The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 18                                                                                                                                             April 29, 1980


LADY AMALTHEA – Goddess of Opulence

I am a Priestess from the Planet Venus and have come today to offer you the feeling of Opulence that is part of my Consciousness. If you care to refer to Greek mythology you will learn that I was rewarded with a Cornucopia for a service to the mighty God Zeus.

Permit me to enter your heart and fill your consciousness with Opulence… Oh, children on Earth everything you desire is at hand. When you remove yourself form the feeling that the human is the doer, instantaneous Precipitation can and will take place. Over and over you have been reminded that ‘thoughts are things’… and are made manifest according to your feelings. If you desire an article from a store and you go and with the payment of some coin of the realm you receive it. You do not require that physical effort or medium of exchange if you accept and are convinced that everything proceeds from the Supreme Fount of all Life – your In-dwelling Divinity!

Why does man look outside, to any effort of the human for a way and means of obtaining or attaining anything! The human consciousness is the door that blocks everything you require. Open that door, I entreat you and cross the threshold to the Consciousness that is the All-pervading Light of the Universe. Immerse yourself in the Essence of Divinity… feel that substance course through you… let go of dependence on the lower garments you wear… Let the Light of Reality irrigate your vehicles as does the rain prepare the seeds which have been planted in the earth. We, the ‘farmers’ in Heavenly Realms have planted seeds within your consciousness year after year… some have grown and others withered away for lack of attention.

No longer will the Cosmic Law permit the gardens of man’s consciousness to remain infertile… and when it comes to the chela, in order to travel along with us at an accelerated rate, he will be required to nourish the Seeds of Light which we disburse for the expansion of the Perfection of the Garden of the Gods! I refer to the magnificent Plan of Creation in which every life-stream upon this Earth is expected to nourish the seeds allotted him. Basic but true these are simple facts that have not been fully accepted.

In deep Love, I have come to assist you, to convince you of the importance of your mission in this, which should be your final embodiment on Earth! Surely the chaotic conditions rampant on this Planet should spur you on to greater service through use of the Sacred Fire, to clean up this negativity. We patiently wait on our side of the veil for your calls, more energy so that we may give expanded assistance.

Were I to reach my hand into the Horn of Plenty which is at my disposal and place a jewel in your hands, you would readily accept it… my dear brother and sisters, you have a storehouse of Gems already within your God Reality. Use the combination of your Christ Consciousness to open the safe and stand before the splendor of the riches of the Universe… and in the wisdom of discretion release some of that Opulence for the enrichment of the consciousness of your fellow traveler.

As I gaze on the Perfection, the Glory, the Treasures within the Heart of Infinity my Being pulsates with the desire to have you experience the ecstasy of that Consciousness… I can only take you to the Door… you, and you alone can step through and with true conviction of your True Identify can remain within, all through your forward journey to the homeland. 

One passing statement…

To dwell within the Heart of Divinity is to experience FULFILLMENT! 

Your co-server in the Light,
