The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME III, Number 17                                                                                                                     April 22, 1980



In the creation of a Universe through which a certain number of centers of consciousness are to find expression, development and mastery those who form the ‘parents’ of the intended system pre-determine within themselves those elements which are required to nurture, mature and eventually fashion their entire creation into a perfected expression of the God Design in all its manifold details. These elements, qualities or foci of radiation are delegated then to a group of intelligent beings whose responsibility it becomes to draw the Universal Life (Light) substance and sustain a Central Focus of that particular vibration so long as the Universe shall have need of a gift and outpouring that such a Focus represents. 

The Sun Gods or Heart Center of the Universe supply to these Beings the initial impulse and the principal energy that they ‘knead’ into the vibration representative of their Gift to the Planets of the System and to their people. 

In the case of the Universe of which you are a member, these Elements were divided into the twelve Foci that have been defined, more or less inaccurately as the signs of the Zodiac. These are fixed in location, forming part of the Sun Center around which the Universe and its component Planets move in ordered course, passing in and out of the vibration of those signs and receiving the rhythmic outpouring of the twelve signs which build into all their vehicles certain requisite elements which form the foundation for manifest Divinity. 

Individuals incarnating during the radiation of a specific and particular Sun or Sign are predominately affected in all their vehicles by their proximity to that vibration and the purpose of their birth is oft-times to develop and absorb the particular nourishment that their lifestreams require and which can be most richly provided during the time of their incubation. 

In the present accelerated development of the day when the true nature of the Zodiacal Disciples with their Solar Lords is more revealed, the astronomical significance of the Season will assume its designated and important position as a Science of Life… and not an instrument of psychic foreseeing.










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