The Shamballa Letter


VOLUME II, Number 14                                                                                                                           April 1, 1980


Beloved Lady Nada

My beloved brothers and sisters, following the blessed Jesus' Message to you of last week, I have come to render whatever assistance you will accept, in order that you may express your True Being, ‘I AM’.  

In essence, the following is a review of statements I have given previously… The average individual sees God as a Being apart from itself, and to attain that estate he must battle the separate entity of personality. We in the Ascended Realm have become a part of the Universal Whole and are each a cell in the Heart of the Eternal, through which the reservoir of all Light can release the Virtues and Qualities which we have built into our Consciousness for the benefaction of all life and thus expand the borders of the Kingdom of Heaven! 

Every personality is contrary to Truth, for separateness is not eternal; this is a fallacy, a fact we have brought to your attention through the years. Quite some while ago, speaking of the interval of time which man recognizes, I spoke on the fallacy of separateness and endeavored to show you that this little self is not an adversary to overcome, for in so doing you recognize a power which is of a negative nature. 

When you can experience the Oneness of Life and your consciousness has accepted that Oneness, you will let go of the concept that there is any separation between you and the man on the street, or the Ascended Host of Light… that the one Life flowing through all must be treated with the same courtesy and kindliness. ‘When Saint Francis gave his cloak to the unclothed and his food to the hungry his disciples rebuked him, for they had learned to love Francis and not Life… but Francis, in his great illumination, knew that he but fed and clothed himself.’ 

When this Truth becomes an accepted fact and permeates your consciousness, Oneness becomes humility and peace beyond description, for only a consciousness of separateness entertains selfishness, judgment or anger. Disassociate your consciousness from any idea that the Life within your body is a separate and distinct entity from the whole and let that Life flow ceaselessly from you in a radiation of Good while you dwell in Truth. 

A final admonition, given in Love, do not for an instant allow part of your consciousness by word, thought or feeling, show preference to the Life flowing through your vessel over that of any other… then you will express your True Identity ‘I AM’! 

Lady Nada









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