A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                                               March 1978


Beloved of   y Heart: 

As we approach the Feast of the greatest spiritual importance, that of the Resurrection, let us turn our attention to our magnificent Exemplar, Master Jesus. 

When a Being like the Beloved Jesus or the great Saint Germain chooses to incarnate in order to hasten the evolution of the planetary scheme, the Inner action of the Law would be as follows: 

His entire seven bodies are developed and controlled, and he has become an Adept or Master of his thought and emotion and the appetites of the physical self and the etheric memories that comprise the sheaf of the soul. He has become One with his Christ Self and has access to the Realm of Causal Creation, and is at home within the Electronic Chalice of the Presence… his seven-fold expression of Perfection. 

When his soul descends he brings these seven controlled and perfect Bodies down to the lower vibratory action of the Seven Planes, and like a Sun that Body begins to nourish and enrich the plane of which it’s pure, controlled atoms are composed. So long as he sustains and maintains a physical vehicle, he is a Radiating Center thru the seven planes of which its pure, controlled atoms are composed, and with his tremendous God connection, he is a Son of Righteousness whose influence is felt by every physical, etheric, mental and emotional body of discarnates and incarnate spirits alike. 

It was for this reason that the Adepts of the early days maintained their bodies over periods of four and five hundred years, suffering voluntary imprisonment in the seven planes of manifestation, the nourishment of their consciousness might form a pressure for Good upon the matter making up the vehicles of the masses. 

When a chela becomes aware of the Master Presence his vehicles or her vehicles, can be offered, through which the Master can radiate in the seven planes as through his own. If you would choose to treat the world with mercy and forgiving love, or any God Virtue, open your vehicles to the Master Jesus, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain or the One who has a momentum along the line of the Virtue, and then visualize through the mental matter of every mental vessel on this planet, and then through the emotional matter, and through the physical. 

When there are climatic disturbances such as wind, rain or snow, invoke the Presence of mighty Helios thru the etheric, mental, emotional and physical bodies of the race, and see what the Inner Sun can do that the outer Sun could never accomplish. 

You can be Master over all manifestation thru the treatment of the elemental substance of the seven planes, and thru the partnership with the Gods... if you so choose.

In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" Æolus Cosmic Holy Spirit