A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                 September 1976


My dear chelas: 

The ascent of consciousness from level to level reveals an entirely new and more expanded aspect of Truth as the spiritual horizon is widened, the intensity of Light is increased and the capacity of the aspiring soul expanded. 

Taking a homely illustration of a ladder placed against a wall in which small apertures have been cut at the various heights. You can visualize an individual ascending that ladder slowly and looking through the apertures to the horizon on the other side - each ascent of a rung enabling him to see through the corresponding opening in the wall a greater vista, giving him more knowledge and a wider horizon and giving him a truer state of being on the other side of the wall. 

The confusion of philosophy and religion is due to the fact that there are individuals at all stages of ascent and each one, though truly reporting the picture as he sees it, gives a report of the view according to his particular place upon the evolutionary ladder. His evolutionary ascent, however, is more complicated than the physical example because the ascent is in consciousness into a strata of substance, and each ascent raises the soul into a place of greater brilliance of light which is so dazzling to the inner sight that no form nor semblance of the conditions within that strata to which he has newly ascended can be distinguished until the aspiring consciousness has become accustomed to the expansion of his own Inner Light and its surrounding radiation. 

When the soul's Light within has expanded to a point where the brilliance of the external light of the new sphere is tempered can he live easily and freely in this higher realm and find it peopled with Intelligences and forms expressive of the particular sphere's vibration. After he has accumulated all the knowledge and truth of that sphere determined by his own Light, mind you, he again is filled with an impelling force that projects him upward into a more exalted state of consciousness where, again, he must become accustomed to the brilliance of that sphere before he can distinguish the Truth that is within it. 

In the early states of spiritual evolution, this journey is more or less confusing and seems to fill one's mind and consciousness with contradictions and uncertainty, but as he rises it becomes more or less of a God adventure that never ceases to exalt the feelings as new horizons stretch on ahead even to Infinity. 

Keep your consciousness ever ON HIGH, for the rewarding vistas will fill your soul with Beauty, Harmony, Illumination and the ever-increasing Radiation of Perfection.

In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit