Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 36                                                                                                    November 28, 1976 


Beloved Chelas: 

The physical body of man provides him an instrument to express himself in the physical world - to enable him to create form, accumulate assets and be a conductor of a portion of the God Virtues which, by example and radiation would be an uplifting influence in the physical world in which he sojourns for the time being. This physical body thus provided had to be expanded in size from a small infant to the average mature instrument of five to six feet. 

To accomplish this miracle requires the cooperation of the lifestream who, for the most part, had neither the wisdom, capacity, training nor ability to expand this marvelous physical mechanism, and so the Builders of Form placed within the human body certain senses and desires for food and drink, cleanliness, etc. which would be so insistent that the body intuitively would secure the substance in the physical world which the Builders of Form knew was required to go into those organisms and expand and sustain them. Without these desires even present within the infant, the perfect form would deteriorate and disintegrate, as takes place after so-called death. 

The Master Jesus said "I have food which ye know not of". He was speaking then of his Inner Nature, or the God within him - the soul, the thinker, the aspirant. This inner man that lives within the cloak of the same nature as itself... Light and Flame and all those intangible qualities provided by God with the same desire for Beauty, Opulence, Health, Longevity and Peace, in order that he may consciously seek the Source from whence these gifts will come and so eat of the Bread of Life, thereby nourishing his Inner Nature with the same intensity of purpose that he uses in nourishing the outer self. 

There are some soul-starved men, women and children in whom the desire for the gifts of the Spirit have not been intense enough to draw the nourishment which would be necessary food for their hunger and thirsts and for the good as expressed in Harmony and Purity and Peace. In these there must be awakened a thirst and a hunger, not of the body but of the soul, and when that is intense enough from within they will then of themselves seek that food, just as the physical body of man seeks the nourishment to sustain him when he feels the need of food and drink. 

The Service of the Spiritual Hierarchy is not only to nourish those who are seeking spiritual food in the form of lectures, books and radiation, but to arouse the dormant soul desires within the masses so that they may begin their search for Truth. It is the arousing of the spiritual interest of the people of Earth that is the necessary requisite to the Universal Brotherhood. If the natural desire is not present in the soul, then chaos, confusion and mass uncertainty and extremity must become the prodding force which will send the cry from the people of Earth for understanding and for Truth.

Love and Blessings,