A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                                     March 1976


Beloved  Chelas, 

Ah, the Flame of Resurrection is such a tremendous agent in the restoration process of this sweet Earth, that I would direct your attention to this glorious Flame which will be accelerated in tremendous measure when the Retreat of the Beloved Gabriel and Holy Mary is honored beginning the 15th of April. 

I shall speak of the great activities which are a part of the Flame focused in and through the Arabian Retreat, to show you the powerful, scientifically educated Intelligences who are Masters of this Resurrection Flame, and who while they perform a miracle of renewal through the Nature Kingdom have yet to prove their efficacy in the Healing Realm and in the realm connected with the stimulating and sustaining of interest in the spiritual awakening of the soul... 

For instance, the Devas of the Resurrection, the Seraphic and Cherubic and Angelic Hosts are all part of the Hierarchy whose focus is in and through the Retreat personally under the supervision and direction of the mighty Gabriel, who is serving with Mother Mary, as the Master Jesus has a special assignment at this hour. 

The invocation by the chelas to release these Beings into the feeling worlds of the masses where the Spiritual Resurrection would be particularly advantageous at the time of year when the predominant current of the Earth's energies are flowing through this particular Cosmic Power...  to invoke the Resurrection Flame and its great Hierarchy through the souls of men, and then to follow through that visualization would be to help the Spiritual Hierarchy tremendously in utilizing the collective energies of the people for this specific unfoldments of humanity's nature. 

We are endeavoring to stimulate your consciousness to realize the efficacy of invoking the Devas and Angelic Host so that the Brotherhood of Angels and men will more quickly become a reality... and to raise your individual consciousness to Cosmic Levels from which estate the Restoration of this Planet and her evolutions will more quickly manifest. 

To invoke and love the Angelic Kingdom and the Nature Kingdom is to move even closer to the Services of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, whom I represent, and to the beloved Maha Chohan for we truly know what a privilege it is to serve with these blessed Beings.


"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit