Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 24, No. 50                                                                                                                      March 14, 1976


Beloved Children: 

We have previously told you that every man, woman and child has a Tower Room, which is his House of Prayer. It is a pure and crystal castle where his Presence and the Angels and Cherubim are in constant attendance at the Altar of Devotion... that room, you have come to know as the "I AM" Presence, but few there be whoever ascend into it for worship. 

0 yes, the word "Meditation" is in the forefront of many people's consciousness - and that is good - but few there are who really experience the ecstasy of ascending into that Crystal Temple and kneeling in true devotion to their God Self. 

There are fleeting moments when the chela does enter the Heart of the Presence seeking to do the Will of the Father-Mother God, but in many instances there is an element of human will. 

I counsel you to quietly, in a reverent attitude, ascend into that Crystal Temple and in the glorious radiation of that Secret Place of the Most High place your ALL on the Altar of Love and feel the enfolding Love of your own Divinity. 

Once you have really received that anointing, you will daily enter the Heart of your own Individualized Presence and the little self which has intruded so often when you seek to be of Service to all Life will fade into nothingness and you will function from the Christ Consciousness, which I assure you is God's Way of Living. 

I have brought this Lesson to you today for I know the eagerness of your dear hearts and it is my humble prayer that you will truly learn to know your own Individualized Presence. 

Love and Blessings,







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