Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 24, No. 42                                                                                                                                        January 18, 1976


Blessed Chelas: 

I counsel you to take a Lesson from One who has recently walked this Earth plane, as you will learn from the Address given at the Transmission of the Flame ceremony last evening... 

Beloved Manuel speaks: 

"0 glorious Source of Light Eternal, I, Manuel, bow in deep humility to the Presence of these chelas in this Sanctuary and for the privilege of speaking to them. 

If you will forgive the personal reference, I am Manuel, formerly Director of The Bridge to Freedom Sanctuary in Havana, Cuba, and because of world events I have been given the privilege of speaking to you this evening.

Now please turn your attention to Yucatan, to the magnificent Hierarch Kenich Ahan… now travel to Madagascar where beloved La Moray reigns supreme. If you are not familiar with the specific location of these Retreats, I suggest that you look at your World Map. 

The Amphitheatre extends from Yucatan to Madagascar, and over it is a blazing Sun of Light Eternal! Following that track you will find that we pass over Cuba and then to Africa - Angola. Mind you, we pass over Angola, to the Retreat at Madagascar. Because of the situation there I have asked for and received permission to sustain my luminous Presence over Cuba all during this month. 

I feel it is a great privilege to do this because I served through the years on the landed surface whereon was the Temple of Transmutation in all its beauty, and I feel with your assistance that I can draw the Violet Fire right into the substance of that land at this present time. I ask you dear chelas to ask for Light Eternal - God Illumination - for the situation in Angola. We must have Peace, and when these various activities that are not of the Light come forth, we should serve hand in hand... so we ask you to make Calls for Peace. Cuba is involved in the conflagration in Angola, and if you will - I feel sure you will - give your energies for God Illumination and Transmutation of all the hatred and the greed in the hearts of these leaders, I believe that before the month is over we shall have a settlement of the warring conditions in Angola. 

Ordinarily we would not ask for a specific activity of the Violet Fire during this cycle; however you know that the Violet Fire is very active during this year, and we feel we have chelas of sufficient illumination to use both activities, for when we trans­mute the imperfection, Light is present. 

0 Light Eternal, dear chelas, take a word from a man who so recently trod this Earth. Many times I have visited this blessed Long Island, and there are still a few chelas who will remember me, and I anticipate that we can accomplish much this month. 

Speaking of Light Eternal... dear ones do not think of your dense garments - either yours or those of your fellow traveler - think of the blazing Light of God that is anchored within the heart of each one. Light is all there is - all else is maya - just the externalization of the thoughts and feelings of man - Light is in everything, so-called inanimate and animate, no matter what clothing it wears. Light, glorious Light is all there is! 

Now please see the beautiful amphitheater just blazing with the Light of the Sun all during this month, and as you travel to Yucatan in your etheric garments ask your Sponsor, when your service is completed there nightly, to take you to Madagascar there to be bathed in the exquisite Harmony which flows from that Focus. You , know that La Moray was formerly known, and is still called Harmony by many chelas, and you can readily see how closely he serves with the magnificent Goddess of Music, the enfolding Spirit of this Year. 

If I accomplish nothing else during this period - but I pray there will be more - I hope I can impress your consciousness and those who shall read my words - to remember Light - Light is all there is! And I who have had the privilege of Ascending in the Light - would that I could tell you the ecstasy of being and knowing that Light is Eternal! 

Tonight we have heard the Angelic Choirs at Yucatan sing the glorious Keynote - "Lo, I AM that I AM" - rather I should say they chanted it, and the ethers are filled with the magnificence of that melody. Beloved ones say to yourselves many times during the day "Lo, I AM that I AM"! 

The Retreat at Yucatan is magnificent in the extreme and tonight our majestic Kenich Ahan is wearing a pure white garment with the Golden Light of his Being shining forth, and all that one can see is blazing Golden Light. When he breathes upon the Flame, standing at either side will be the Sun God and Goddess, Helios and Vestal And the Earth will be permeated with Light and when they breathe upon the Flame and it travels throughout the Earth, the Flame will be composed of tiny, little Suns, so as you breathe in during the Transmission Ceremony of the Breath and all during this month, feel those minute Suns course through your beings and make you each a Sun of Light! 

Lovely ones, I do so appreciate the courtesy of your attention and at any time, if you might need the assistance of a teacher, particularly those of you who are Directors and Leaders, call to me, for I had a beautiful experience in Havana of teaching and seeing the lifestreams blossom, as the Light expanded through them. Teaching is a very subtle art, but the most important thing to remember is that it isn't the little self who teaches, it is the "I AM" within. If you feel that at any time I could assist you, all you need to do is call to Manuel, and it shall be my privilege to serve your Light! Thank You."

Love and Blessings,







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