A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                          September  1974


My beloved Children: 

I have been very closely watching your progress in the Light since the beginning of this year, and I am well pleased! 

Sitting in my study contemplating what Lesson I should present to you at this time, I thought… yes, I shall offer them a special gift... 

Let us turn our attention now to this rich month of September and ask that the deepest desire of your heart may now come silently from the depth of your being... see it manifest right before you... you have not had full practice in drawing, as you would draw water from a well, a desire out of the depth of your heart, where it has lain, sometimes your own intellectual consciousness being scarcely aware of its presence. 

I want you to reach into that heart, draw that desire forth and project it on a Ray of Light into the room right through the chest cavity, where I shall bless it with my own life...and the beloved Virgo shall draw it on her inbreath into her bosom and externalize it at its proper moment as a permanent gift to you as a loving expression of our close association. 

Will you now silently reach into your heart, draw that desire forth and send it into the room, visualizing me standing there with the mighty Virgo, and then accept it as reverently as man accepts the consecrated Host of the Holy Communion, and we shall enrich it and return it to you with its kind. 

Please follow your idea on that Ray just as if a beam came out of your heart...and it does.    

Contemplate well my offered Gift of Love and then we shall see how well you can consciously participate in this activity of Precipitation! 

In the Spirit of Grace,

"I AM" Æolus Cosmic Holy Spirit