Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 30                                                                                                                  Oct. 21, 1973


Beloved Chelas: 

You are privileged to receive this week the words of the beloved Kuthumi at the time of the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony last evening: 

The Master Kuthumi speaks: 

"Blessings, friends of Peace - that Peace which the souls of men so require. I enfold you, each dear one, in the Cosmic Flame of Peace which brings God Illumination. 

I speak this evening of Peace, for until man can quiet his emotions and remain in that Consciousness, he will not know Peace. In that Peace, God Illumination may become part of his being and when sustained, Golden Illumination will fill his entire being and world, and he will stand forth the Golden Man for all to see. 

Beloved ones, we are indeed gratified with the manner in which you have cooperated last month with the beloved Surya and the mighty Neptune in bringing Peace to yourselves. 0, yes, you have not yet reached the state where you can say that you have sustained Peace - at any rate, you have tried and that is a great step in the right direction. 

Because of the way the chelas have accepted the Flame of Peace from Suva, the beloved Surya has volunteered to place his luminous Presence over that Island and to keep it pulsating like a great searchlight all the while our Focus at Kashmir is open. I would like to impress upon your consciousness that Peace is accompanied by Love, and the glorious Buddha, our Lord Divino, has offered his assistance... and he has also placed his luminous Presence in the atmosphere - over our Retreat at Kashmir - and from that mighty Light will blaze the Pink Flame of Divine Love. What a magnificent Being Lord Divino is. The externalization of his luminous Presence was accomplished at the conclusion of the Breathing Ceremony and the Aura around it is blazing all the colors of the Rays, because his momentum of Illumination embraces all the Rays. Looking upon his beautiful countenance, we see the Love of the Father-Mother God which he knows and his Heart sending forth this Holy Essence. 

Let us not forget Shamballa this evening, where the Cosmic Dove of the Holy Spirit is pulsating this hour with the Flame of Peace. It is so necessary that Long Island be purified and as those who reside thereon fill it with this Peace, much of the so-called crime and distress will decrease. Continuing for a period of 24-hours, the Cosmic Dove will give a particular Blessing to all on Long Island - and we know that the glorious Heartbeat at Shamballa is Love Divine. Drink deeply, deeply, of this Essence, my dear ones, and all the chelas who are not within the sound of my voice will be given a Benediction also. However, you who know of this Cosmic Activity please turn your attention to the Dove of the Holy Spirit and sanctify this Island with the Loving Peace of the Holy Spirit especially during the next twenty-four hours. 0, it will be so wonderful when mankind can accept this Peace and send it around the Earth to cover it in an enfolding blanket of Light. When mankind desire Peace enough and can accept the feeling within so shall they receive it. 

You will remember as Francis of Assisi, I endeavored to be a Peace-Commanding Presence in all things considered the winged bird, the four-footed creature and those who had to crawl upon the Earth as my friends - for I knew they would not be in existence if there were not Light - even a tiny spark in them for there is no separation in the Body of God... all life is ONE! 

Let us now turn our attention to Kashmir - how I love this vale... it is a Valley of Love, a Valley of Peace, because Wisdom here abides. It is beautiful to look upon our Focus this evening with the Inner Sight, because everywhere you turn, one sees groups of the Illuminati of Heaven with others around them seeking more Wisdom it looks like a gigantic Lotus extending for miles around made up of thousands of petals and each petal is a place for the chela and any of mankind to rest as they listen to their teachers. 

You may wonder how the voice is localized... dear ones, the Lotus Petals are separated into corridors, with the chelas close to the Flame of Wisdom itself and in the next set of petals, on and on to the periphery until those who have not yet earned the right through the expansion of their Light are in the farthermost part of the Lotus. What a heart-warming sight it is to see the inner bodies. of those who know nothing of the activities of the Spiritual Hierarchy in their outer consciousness, looking with eager eyes upon the Brothers of the Golden Robe who are speaking to them in soft tones, bringing Peace to their vehicles as they do so. 

We are most grateful to all the activities upon this Planet who are dedicated to Good - all the esoteric activities, that are drawing the consciousness of the peoples to the God who created them, and I give special attention to the various fields of Orthodoxy and those groups who have dedicated themselves to following and invoking Jesus, the Christ... for the Christ is all there is - the Christ in one, is the Christ in all, and as man knows Jesus, the Christ as the Wayshower, praises go forth... in song, affirmation and chant... and as all that beautiful energy comes Heavenward Lord Jesus, the Christ, receives it, amplifies it and sends it back to Earth in Pure Divine Love, Peace and Illumination. 

It is well that each man think of the other as his brother - for indeed you are (you are brother cells, sister cells in the body of the Almighty). If you do Love thy God, that Christ beating within your heart, you will Love every component of God beating in the other man's heart. This is a lesson which must be learned before Peace can come to you and be sustained, and we shall do everything we can to assist you this month to receive Peace - so that you will be ready for the Flame of Wisdom the God Illumination you require. 

It was my great privilege to breathe upon the Flame of Wisdom from our Focus at Kashmir - and standing by my side was Jesus, the Christ, and Lord Lanto with whom I serve as World Teacher. 

Viewing the Earth now, I see it enfolded in the beautiful Golden Essence of Peace and Illumination, and Blazing from its center is Pure Divine Love - which is the cohesive Power of all there is. 

I sincerely hope I have conveyed to you the necessity for holding the Peace and as I have been talking, I have placed a Mantle of Peace about your shoulders and my closing counsel to you is:


Love and Blessings,







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