Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 9                                                                                                                                May 27, 1973 

Beloved of the Light:

A tremendous opportunity was presented to the chelas during the address of beloved Jesus on Easter morning. 

Beloved Jesus speaks: 

How great thou art! 0, Father-Mother God, we sing a paean of praise to thy all-loving, all-embracing Consciousness! Help me, this day, to assist these, thy children, to enter into the Cosmic Christ Consciousness, to remain there for all Eternity. 

0, my lovely ones, take advantage of the mighty onrush of the Resurrection Flame and come into my embrace, where we will serve consciously for all Eternity. 

(The Master Jesus extends his hands for the chelas to be seated). 

I have come on a very special mission and that is to help you, each one, and every blessed chela throughout the Planet Earth who is tuning in to this activity, to loose your consciousness of the fetters of the human - LET GO OF ALL CONCEPTS THAT ARE LESS THAN CHRIST PERFECTION and let the Resurrection Flame, and the Flame of Purity, absorb them into themselves... then replace every bit, every cranny, every corner of your vehicles with the Light of the Christ! 

Standing in the atmosphere over this Sanctuary is the Holy Madonna Mary, and at her side the mighty Astraea. They will join with me in the specific activity of the day. Mother Mary and beloved Astraea are surrounded with Legions and Legions and Legions of the Flame of Purity and the Resurrection Flame. I want you to just relax as I tell you what we are endeavoring to do. Please do not feel tense when I say that sitting in the front row are the beloved El Morya, Lady Miriam, Archangel Michael and the beloved Faith! (Chelas stand)       Thank You! 

You will soon find out why they are here... because of your great cooperation with the Thought Form for this year endeavoring, no matter what came your way that was less than Perfection (yes, I know the trials have been many) all the while you have raised the vibratory action of your garments in a most commendable manner. 

I consulted with blessed Gautama, our beloved Lord of the World and after so doing he said "Yes, Micah, go to the Karmic Board." Usually this is beloved Morya's activity - he entreats the Karmic Council for Dispensations on your behalf - and I will add he did have a little bit to do with this request. This is the re­quest which I presented to them for their acquiescence... that the Mystic Union with your own God self could take place today! Now... just be as relaxed as possible... there is nothing to be afraid of... all will be in Divine Order. 

This room is filled with many illustrious Beings. Standing behind each of you is an Angel, of mighty Astraea’s Legions of Purity and a Resurrection Angel. I ask you now to see your emotional body blazing and blazing with Light, as the Three-fold Flame expands through the kind ministrations of the Angel of Resurrection and the Angel of Purity... 

Now we will see the same activity taking place in your mental body ...as the Three-fold Flame expands to the periphery of that garment... feel, 0 feel, the Essence of the Flame of Resurrection, and Purity flowing through it. 

Now the etheric garment… see the two mighty Flames flowing through it, taking away all imperfection and we will see the Golden Light expanding through you until the inner garment begins to accept the pulsation of the Golden Man... 

Now the physical garment... and as that activity takes place, the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame expands and expands, and with a MIGHTY BURST OF POWER at all the Flames in the lower vehicles blend as ONE, and the Golden Man - the Christ - takes full control... 

If you believe that I am Real - if you have Faith this is possible of accomplishment for you this very moment I, Micah, Angel of Unity, do bless you with the Crown of Unity to serve with me in consciously expanding the Father's Kingdom for all Eternity! 

0, my God... glorious Father-Mother God ...I pray that these children will sustain, will maintain, the Cosmic Christ Consciousness while yet wearing garments of flesh, and dwell with me in this exalted estate. 

Lovely ones please feel the enfolding Peace of Holy Mary as she gathers you in her embrace because she can now see the physical manifestation of the Immaculate Concept which she has held for you and all life and shall continue in this service." 

Dear Ones: The Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the children of Earth is beyond worded expression and I know you felt the mighty onrush of that Virtue as you read the Master's Words.

Love and Blessings,