Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 13                                                                                                                                  June 24, 1973


Beloved Chelas: 

Today we will study the mechanics that govern the inner bodies. Upon contemplation you will realize that the disintegration of the lower bodies begins to take place from the first uncontrolled thought and feeling that is allowed to break the natural harmony of the vehicles that are provided the incoming lifestream. Thus, you will see that HARMONY is a prerequisite to drawing Light.

There is only one way for mankind to manifest that state which was enjoyed in the early Golden Ages, and that is to consciously draw the Light into his four lower bodies, and that Light will act similar to an electric charger as it flows into each electron causing it to spin more rapidly in its orbit and gradually accelerating the vibratory rate of the lower garments... which if sustained by conscious effort will bring the lifestream to a state wherein discord and imperfection will no longer register. 

The purpose of drawing the Light consciously into one's body is to increase the vibratory action of the electrons by an added charge of power. As each electron spins around the control core of the atom to which it belongs, its increased vibratory action changes the contours of the body and the processes of your thinking and feeling. When this acceleration has taken place to a certain intensity the slower vibrations of discord, disease and disintegration can no more attach themselves to the set of vehicles attaining this state of acceleration than a turtle could mount a speeding automobile. 

Before man comes to the place where he may join the Gods, he must master the vibrations of his bodies to a point where they do not create dissonance in their own or another's world. If you will think before you speak and act and before you feel, it will enable the elements of your bodies to return to their original beauty, harmony and peace, because as soon as the pressure of discord is consciously controlled the lifestream's natural state begins to establish itself as the Holy Christ Self returns the electrons to their natural orbits of dignity, majesty and HARMONY.

Love and Blessings of







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