Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 14                                                                                                                                   July 1, 1973


Blessed Ones:


Let us continue this week on the subject presented in last week's release that of outwardly expressing the Harmony of our beings: 

When a chela takes a real interest in the vibratory action that he allows to pass through his bodies, a state of great harmony and beauty will be expressed within his lifestream. 

The garments of the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host, the Cherubic and Seraphic guard are ever growing finer and more beautiful as the Energy pouring through the electrons is ever charged with more Light, Love and Balance. The Master Jesus who ascended many centuries ago is a far more majestic figure than at that time. 

As above, so should it be here below, and the lifestream who has attained to maturity should be more beautiful and exquisite in face and form as the years go on, and so shall it be in the days that are to come. For an individual with a conscious knowledge of this Law it would be a glorious experience and manifestation if even a few would choose to experiment with the Law of Harmony and allow us freedom to create bodies such as have never been seen on this Earth since it began. 

The Holy Christ Self of each lifestream is as beautiful as the most perfect Angelic Being that you could conceive of, and the individual Christ Self will duplicate that beauty through any flesh form who so desires it, with a little cooperation and conscious study by the personal self. 

If you would invoke the beloved LaMoray, the Elohim of Peace, the Powers of Purity and the Builders of Form, they will happily join you in this... to return your garments to the Beauty of the Christ Self. 

I would counsel you to grow more beautiful as you grow older I shall be lovingly and patiently watching you, my beloved chelas, to see if you have taken my advice to your heart and have not just read this release. 

Love and Blessing,








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