Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 21, No. 43                                                                                                                      January 21, 1973

My Chelas:

Of great Comic Import is the message given at the Transmission of the Flame Ceremonies from Madagascar... 

Beloved Kenich Ahem speaks:

"Dear precious Hearts of Light, since the Retreat at Madagascar and our Focus at Yucatan serve in conjunction, the beloved LaMoray graciously asked if I would give the commentary this evening, and I am indeed grateful for this privilege. (Will you kindly be seated.) 

Through the great Love of mighty LaMoray, at this very instant there is being placed above your heads and the heads of all the chelas, a glorious Golden Sunburst, whose heart center is pure White Light. This shall remain there so long as you hold the Harmony, which Virtue is required for your Freedom in the Light. It will expand and expand until it covers your four lower vehicles and this must be done by you through the release of harmonious radiation. The Cosmic Law would not permit us to enfold all of your garments in this Sunburst, as we could not interfere with your free will, and no inharmony may register upon this Sunburst. But we hopefully and prayerfully desire that you will reach up into your being. Now let us be silent for a moment as you feel the glorious activity which is taking place... 

Come with me now, in consciousness, 0 shining beings of Light, to the Retreat at Madagascar. First I shall tell you about the amphitheater... you know that above this Focus is a great Sunburst of Light that drew the Power through which this Focus manifested upon the substance of the Earth. This Sunburst is literally surrounded by Golden Light making a tremendous amphitheater to accommodate all the chelas and the others who will gravitate to this FOCUS. The actual Sunburst itself is surrounded with an insulating Wall of Light of Protection for neither the garments of the chelas nor any lifestreams who come here could stand this accelerated Light. The protecting Power around the Sunburst is transparent so that all who came here may gaze upon its splendor... a glorious manifestation from God's Heart! 

Now you know that the Temple itself is of precipitated white marble with seven chambers representing all of the Rays surrounding the Central Focus. The chelas are privileged to come to these chambers and will be assigned by their Sponsors, who incidentally are gentlemen this month, to the Ray which they believe you require the most. You may be in all the chambers this month to be impregnated with its Radiation, or it may be felt that you require one specific Virtue. 

In the Central Chambers there burns the Flame of Cosmic Harmony for this Planet. There are seven steps which lead up to the actual Flame, which comes from the center of the Earth... there is no specific receptacle or urn in which the Flame burns. It just travels up through all the Seven Rays represented by the tiers. 0 my God... how the Planet requires this Virtue! 

As the glorious strains of Claire de Lune resounded throughout the Focus, we saw the handsome master from Venus ascend the steps to breathe upon the Flame. Magnificent indeed is this Being - fair of hair and blue of eye - majestic in appearance. This evening he wore a white garment girdled in gold and encrusted with Jewels of all of the Rays. 

As he breathed upon the Flame and it was energized by all of those privileged to be in this Chamber, or great Hall, it rose into the amphitheater into the Sunburst and then higher into the atmosphere to blanket this Earth with the Cosmic Flame of Harmony. The Holy Flame is composed of tiny sunbursts. And I know, my friends of Light, that the Radiation of this Earth will be greatly accelerated in the higher vibration of Harmony by this Cosmic Activity. 

Now I shall digress in my commentary about the Retreat at Madagascar to tell you that this day during the inauguration of the President and the Vice President of these United States was a cosmic moment in the annals of history. 

Standing behind that lectern as the beloved Vice President and President took their vows were the beloved El Morya, beloved Godfre, and beloved Saint Germain... (chelas stand) ...and as a Ray from El Morya’s heart went into the hearts of these two gentlemen, it was similar to the Edict that was given almost two centuries ago at the signing of the Declaration of Independence "SIGN THAT DOCUMENT" ...the same Power went through their beings..."DO THOU THE WILL OF GOD!!!" (kindly be seated). 

I am sure you will realize what a tremendous; day this was for the Spiritual Heart of the Planet - the United States of America - to have two stalwart and brave men take a vow to defend this country. 

The complex over Washington, D.C. was blazing with the Light of the activities of all the Seven Rays, and beloved LaMoray, at the time of the swearing in ceremonies, stood in the atmosphere over Washington and enfolded all in the Flame of Cosmic Harmony. All the while the words of the National Anthem were sung in such a beautiful manner, as well as the other beautiful musical renditions, blessed La Moray blanketed this Nation in the harmonious radiation which was released. The Harmony of the Spheres began a tremendous pulsation right in the atmosphere of this Earth, protected by the Legions of Harmony. And our beloved Micah, Angel of Unity, dispatched his Legions all over the Planet to all Nations and their leaders, joining them in a mighty network of Unity. One might say a cosmic spectacular took place! 

My children of Light, great is this day in cosmic and national history! And this Planet shall ring forth the tones of Cosmic Harmony similar to those which went forth when the Liberty Bell was first rung ... but this time a tremendous gong resounded the tones of Cosmic Harmony throughout the Planet - for sustained Harmony will bring Unity to the peoples of this Earth. 

Now, my dear ones, when you have completed your etheric visits, during the day or night, to the Temple at Madagascar, come to me, into my humble Presence at Yucatan, and I shall bathe you in the Essence of God Illumination. Thank you for your kind attention. Good Evening." 

Blessed Ones: Tremendous is your responsibility to sustain the Harmony of your beings, and of the Earth. I shall pray for and with you.

Love and Blessings,






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