Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 21, No. 45                                                                                                               February 4, 1973


Dearly Beloved: 

The capacity to create vibration lies within every being, human and Divine and is a part of the Universe which I present to you this week. 

Science has discovered that vibration in itself has two aspects which they call centrifugal and centripetal forces. The centrifugal is the repellent activity; - a flying off from the center and the centripetal force is that which draws toward the center through magnetic attraction the substance like unto itself. 

The chela studying the spiritual law will see the similarity between the scientific revelation and the forces and capacities of his own emotional nature and that within the centripetal force is that indefinable power of Love which is the magnetic pull drawing animate and inanimate substances of a harmonious vibration toward the electronic pull which can be generated through the lifestream. 

The centrifugal force, which is also a constructive power which the Universal Source has used to externalize his Universe, is the force which man has unconsciously assumed and utilized in a more base manner than was its natural and original intent. The explosion of the atom and the explosions of the emotions are a portion of this centrifugal force which, under proper direction, is a most powerful method of externalizing one's sphere of influence, or the powers of good. 

In the case of the creation and sustenance and nourishment of the Universe, the two Beings who represent the poles of the Sun are each a Focus or one facet of this force which, in electrical parlance are defined as the "positive and negative poles". The masculine element known as the mighty Helios is the outpouring of the electrons through the zodiacal signs, as well as those other Foci known as the Elohim, the Love Star, etc. and many channels as yet behind the Veil. This centrifugal force, if it were not balanced by the Love aspect held within the feminine vibration, and which draws and holds the planets and the Universe and its life, we would all be flying off into space. 

The perfect balance of the two activities of creation must one day be realized within man and self-mastery comes through being able to externalize ideas and repel vibrations of a destructive nature, but yet not make the sphere of one's influence so large that the Love Element which can be drawn by that focus is insufficient to reach the periphery. 

Study this lesson well, dear ones, for it is important to your spiritual development.

Love and Blessings,








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