Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 36                                                                                                     December 2, 1973


Beloved Ones:               

The following excerpts from the release of the Archaii Charity at the Thanksgiving Class should fill your beings with the Divine Love which she so abundantly released. 

Beloved Charity 

At this Thanksgiving time, my Heart is truly grateful for through Love we experience the Joy of expanding the borders of the kingdom of Heaven. It is a privilege to be in your midst and to direct your attention to the requirement of the Cosmic Flame of Charity, which it is my responsibility to bring to you and to all life. Few there are who understand the meaning of this Virtue and it is my heartfelt prayer that through your attention to the message which I bring, that you will become sufficiently enthused to expand your service through the power of Pure Divine Love - for Love and Charity are synonymous. 

Any activity to be really effective must carry the radiation of Love, for we well know that it is the Cohesive Power of the Universe, and without Love any service or activity is not of a lasting nature. This is evident in the simple example of your personal belongings - be it your home, furniture, your attire or other possessions - if you do not love them and take care of them, they show the signs of disintegration. A jewel which is loved becomes more brilliant through wearing it, as does the carefully tended garden yield the beauty of its pattern. One must Love all life... all the components, the element which comprise any manifestations, through going deeper in to the Heart of his being and experiencing the ONENESS of all Life. 

A man whose heart expresses Love in his actions is a charitable man, one who has entered into a deep understanding of the Law of Life. I refer to the individual who can impersonally love all life - not just that part or expression which is pleasing to him... the universe would cease to be if the Father-Mother God were not the All-Loving principle of Life. 

Dear children on the Path, I counsel you to open the doors of your feeling world and let the Love Element in... in greater measure. You know that the feeling world is the Power which propels any idea or activity into manifestation! 

The fact that the Christ should be the Divine Director of your lifestream has been presented to you these many years and we have attempted to drum that Truth into your consciousness... I say to you with all the emphasis of my Being, that the time has arrived when you should have advanced sufficiently to accept the Christ and be that Perfection in action at all times. Nothing except the human is delaying that accomplishment. 

I may sound severe but I have a purpose in so doing - you have been under the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and have received reams of instruction to raise your consciousness to the Christ Estate and it is time that you graduated from the human consciousness into the Divine! 

Let those who have hearts and ears to hear abide by that statement... not temporarily ...but from this moment forward! 

There have been many attitudes dominant in man's consciousness through the centuries man's attitude is the determining factor in tuning into and becoming the active Presence of God. One cannot enter half-heartedly into service to life... remember you are all children of Love - born from, the Heart of an All-Loving Father-Mother God, and as the God-Parents sent you forth in Love, that Love was accompanied by Faith and Hope. This is the triple activity - Faith, Hope and Charity (Love). All remember that my cosmic sisters and I stand ready and waiting to give assistance to you at all times. 

Why, oh why, do you hold so tenaciously to the human? I humbly pray that you will accept the Lesson which I bring to you today. Invoke the beloved Faith, beloved Hope and myself to assist you. Invite us as friends into your heart - contemplate our service to Life and get the realization that we are in this Universe for a purpose - and that purpose is to be fulfilled through the life evolving on this Earth! 

We are in a period of cosmic change and there is much sifting and sorting taking place. Are you ready to embrace and be loving Charity at all times? You and you alone, through the use of free will, will determine into which category of training you will be placed!

Love and Blessings,








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