Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 22, No. 1                                                                                                                      April 1, 1973


My Beloved Chelas: 

The development of the mature, controlled consciousness through which the Spirit of each Individualization can design and manifest God Ideas is the course which every lifestream embodied on the Planet Earth voluntarily chose to run. No one is enrolled upon the Book of Life for the development of any Powers against his own free will. 

The Spirit-Self in the first instance chooses the course of its evolution and writes its name upon the Book of Life, entering into the curriculum provided by the Cosmic Intelligences, fully aware that the process of education, although strenuous, will yield a degree of mastery according to the capacity and the tenacity of purpose with which the chela avails himself of the opportunities that his "schoolroom" provides. 

In order to create consciously, at will, the instruments that are the facets of consciousness - thought and feeling - must be controlled, developed and mastered. All life provides each soul with the opportunity to become a conscious-directing intelligence through the facet of the individual's own thought and feeling. By trial and error, as man externalizes the miscellaneous array of manifestations around him through the entertainment of wrong pictures and feelings in his own Realm of Causation, sooner or later will he begin to understand the power latent in his own Realm of Consciousness which, when directed aright, can produce for him Perfection in any of a thousand forms. 

The Realm of Consciousness is creating consciously, constantly, when it is not supervised by the Higher Will of the Holy Christ Self its creation is subject to any impression which finds entrance into it and stirs the creative centers of thought and feeling which make a new matrix of any such forms. 

When Consciousness is held clear from the impressions and suggestions of the external world - and the Will of the Cosmos is allowed to express, such a one comes to the point of entering the Path of Mastery. 

Love and Blessings,










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