Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 47                                                                                                    February 21, 1971


Blessed Chelas: 

The following is a Report of the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony from the Retreat at Yucatan: 

Beloved La Moray speaks: 

All hail to Light - All hail to Light - All hail to Light, the Light of the Father-Mother God in your hearts, in my heart and in the hearts of all Life everywhere! I greet you this evening in words of Light! 

I consider it a great privilege to have been invited by the Beloved Kenich Ahan to be your narrator this evening. Oh, what a glorious Transmission of the Flame Ceremony. As you know, there is a Ray from the Heart of Beloved Helios and Vesta anchored into the Retreat at Yucatan. Can you envision the intensity and the strength of that Light as we are celebrating the Transmission of the Breath at this Focus? 

Perhaps you would like to know a little about the Retreat itself. I would like to tell you about the Flame Room. The beautiful ceiling is composed of inlaid gold and embossed upon it, in the very center, is a glorious Sun which diffuses Light all through this room. The Walls of the Room are comprised of twelve panels, each representing an Aspect of Divinity. 

The Altar is in the center of the room and is square at the base. There are twelve steps leading to the apex, where there is a circular platform. Here we see a magnificent Brazier in which the Flame of Light Eternal - of God Illumination – burns. Each of the steps represents one of the Aspects of Divinity and is a Focus of the Temples around the Sun. The Altar is of white quartz with a golden vein running through it, and upon each step an explanation of the specific Aspect of Divinity is given... this is all done in golden inscription. It is all extremely beautiful and inspiring, beloved ones. 

Preceding the entrance of Beloved Kenich Ahan this evening, one could hear the most glorious chanting that one could ever contemplate - all in homage to Light Eternal - the very Essence of the Supreme Source of all Life. At the conclusion of the chanting there was a tremendous release of harmony. I presume the way to describe it would be that a glorious harmonious tone resounded throughout the Flame, which we knew signified the approach of the mighty Hierarch of this Retreat. 

As the doors opened wide for the entrance of Beloved Kenich Ahan, he was preceded by twelve members of this Focus - six ladies and six gentlemen, all attired in shimmering Golden Robes, carrying a brazier and in each one was a blazing Flame. As they proceed to the altar, they took their places around its base, surrounding it with the Light of their Beings and that rising from the braziers which they carried. As our handsome Hierarch placed his foot upon the first step, there was a glorious tone - it was like a chord of music signifying the harmony of that particular Aspect of Divinity. With each succeeding step to the Altar you could hear this glorious music. It was as though his blessed feet were playing on a mighty Cosmic Organ. When he approached the podium he raised his arms and hands to the Heavens and gave obeisance to the Father-Mother God, to every Sun in the System... and you could see the Waves of Light proceeding to the mighty Alpha and Omega... and the Light from every Sun in this System blazed brighter - those above and those below us. 

This entire Ceremony was so transcendent that all the Beings in the Flame Room raised their Consciousness ever higher in their adoration to the One God of Light and Life Eternal... then there was a mighty Silence over all as we felt the tremendous pulsation of Light from all the Suns like a cascading Benediction of Love. The Beloved Kenich Ahan breathed upon the Flame and in conjunction with the Breath of the Assembly, It rose into the amphitheater to bless all life everywhere. Oh children of the Father-Mother God, how Spirit penetrating this service was! 

I shall now tell you a little about the amphitheater. It extends like a Pathway of Light from the Retreat at Yucatan, across the Atlantic Ocean, across the southern part of Africa, to Madagascar, to our Retreat in the Indian Ocean. This Path of Light is made up of sunflowers - golden petals with exquisite topaz blazing in the center. This may sound spectacular to you but anyone knowing about the Mayan Civilization is aware that it is noted for its splendor. The amphitheater will remain for the entire time that we are centering our attention upon the Retreat at Yucatan. 

We shall endeavor to bring the leaders of all faiths into this Focus, not only to give them instruction to attain God Illumination but that they will also realize that Ritual - true Ceremony is imperative as we proceed into the Golden Age... and in today's activities in the various Faiths there is little or no Ritual - oh yes, we see some in the Episcopal and Catholic Service, but even this is decreasing and is reaching a low point. We are going to have to give all leaders, who will listen, instruction that ceremonial is required. The Golden Age is coming in quicker than you have any idea and all imperfection must be transmuted. Man must receive God Illumination to understand that this imperfection must be transmuted into perfection for the Earth to proceed on her God destined course. 

Beloved Children of Light, I, the Spirit of Harmony, am so very, very grateful to be a participant all during this ensuing month. If you desire to turn your attention to me, I shall give you every assistance permitted by Cosmic Law so that your beings will be saturated with the Flame of Harmony in order that you may further serve with us to bring forth the Age of Perfection upon this Planet. 

Thank You - God bless you - and may that beautiful Flaming substance of God Illumination enrich your beings as the Holy Breath continues to flow through all life this month. I would like to add that the Essence of the Flame this month is composed of miniature Suns. You can truly feel this Elixir as it flows through you... merely by your recognition and attention upon the Flame of Light Eternal. 

My beloved chelas - drink deeply of this Holy Essence and be refreshed and renewed as the Flame of Light Eternal illumines your consciousness.

Love and Blessings,






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