Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 18                                                                                                                August 1, 1971


My Beloved Chelas:


Continuing with the excerpts from the Summer Conference addresses, I present to you today the words of Wisdom of the Beloved Hierarch of the Rocky Mountain Retreat

Beloved Confucius speaks:

Permit me to assure you that the Karmic Board was especially pleased with the progress which you and all chelas serving the Light have made in the first six months of this year. At the half-yearly Council, your individual Sponsors had the pleasure of presenting your records with great joy in their Hearts, for you are all steadfastly advancing in the Light and are "making good" as it were, by releasing your energy toward the Petitions which you have presented. 

I would like to say at this juncture that you have volunteered for many projects of which your outer consciousness is not aware. You will remember that the Beloved Serapis said, in his discourse at the Transmission of the Flame Ceremony, the report of which you received in THE BULLETIN on the Sunday following, that you were being assigned an Angel from the Luxor Retreat to convey you to special assignments! Beloved Serapis was so desirous of having you fulfill your inner-pledges that he detailed these Angels to make sure that you released your energy to the specific cause or causes which you had pledged to assist! Do you not see how the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy seize every opportunity to assist you and all life?

Most of the chelas are cooperating in a commendable manner through the activity of the Elements insofar as weather conditions are concerned, but many overlook the fact that their vehicles are composed of the elements of earth, water, air and fire... This is a fundamental truth of which they are aware. Many call for the purification of these elements in their own vehicles, true.... but how many take the time to go directly to the Sponsors themselves and invoke their specific activity through their vehicles? Yes, occasionally they mention their names; visualize the Thought Form and turn their attention to Beloved Surya, who in his graciousness is releasing the Flame of Peace in, through and around the Thought Form for this year. 

May I humbly counsel you to tune into the Momentum of the individual Sponsors and avail yourselves of this affiliation! Ask, for example, the mighty Helios and Vesta to send their Messengers of Light into your sanctuaries and homes and into your individual beings to saturate your souls with the Flame of God Illumination, with the Wisdom of the Supreme Source. You could treat every vehicle in this manner. 

Certainly Beloved Pelleur and Virgo would be grateful for your calls to transmute the gross bodies which you wear and when I say "you" I refer to the mankind of this Earth! Beloved Virgo's garment is in the process of purification and you should, as chelas, do everything in your power to give assistance in this necessary activity. 

Do you not think that the Beloved Neptune and Lunara would be grateful to have you add your energy to the purification of the Water Element? Your newsprint and television are filled with pictures of the defilement of that Element... and the same applies to the element of Air, directed by the mighty Thor and Aries! 

If you would invoke the various Directors of the Elements to release the Essence from their Beings into your individual complementary garments and after bathing yourselves in this release, you would have a greater supply of the commodity so invoked for your garments to be pulsating with the Light of the Gods and you would be in a more advantageous position to assist life... in all the kingdoms! 

I suggest that the Directors of a specific Element be individually invoked, and then if you wish to use the Decree grouping all the Elements you would find a greater release of God's Energy." 

Establishing a rapport with all the Elements is a mighty service through which you will be individually benefitted, and I counsel you to follow the Directives of the Beloved Confucius.

Love and Blessings,








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