Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 4                                                                                                                    April 25, 1971


My Beloved Chelas: 

I am pleased that I may present an excerpt from the address of beloved Surya given at the Easter Class held at Shamballa 

Beloved Surya speaks: 

"I see before me at all times the glorious Thought Form of the Year and I would like to counsel you that this yearly Pattern of the Will of God should be seriously considered by the chelas in their blessed endeavors to assist the Spiritual Hierarchy to bring the Perfection of the Father-Mother God into manifestation upon this Planet! 

When one truly accepts the fact that he is a child of the Supreme Source, endowed with Self-conscious intelligence in order that he may be a Co-creator with that ever-expanding Fount of Light and Love, his being should well with gratitude, with respect and humility for the privilege which is his. This is the feeling that fills my being at all times. You will notice that I say 'feeling'... for the feeling world is the important member with which all chelas, and of course all mankind, must become compatible... must enter deeply within the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame and blaze that Light through the emotional vehicle to establish true rapport. A harmonious feeling world is the answer to many of the ills of mind, soul and body which beset those yet wearing garments of flesh. When the four lower vehicles serve in perfect harmony, all service is a joyous experience. When an individual makes even one person happy, he or she blesses the entire Universe... for he expands all energy of a like vibration. 

Since it is my great blessing to have a momentum of the Flame of Cosmic Peace, I am very grateful that I was selected to ensoul the Thought Form for this year. It is a very great honor to enfold that blazing Symbol of Light in the Peace and Love which I am privilege to give, as it pulsates for the twelve-month period and, as you know, all manifestation requires the Flame of Peace to be sustained for a given time.  

Today I offer you the gift of Cosmic Peace as an inducement to come into the Temple of God's Heart to attain that Peace in all your vehicles, for once you have accepted the Flame of Cosmic Peace you will find its enfolding radiation such a delightful commodity to have that it will bring all your vehicles into alignment." 

Wise is the chela who accepts the Gift of Cosmic Peace which the Beloved Surya so graciously offers.

Love and Blessings,