Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 18, No. 14                                                                                                           July 6, 1969


My Beloved Chelas: 

Since our beloved Mother Mary, Celeste Maria, is the Guardian of the Thought Form for this year, I would like to tell you something about the beautiful musical rendition which we know as "Ave Maria". 

Down through the years, certain exquisite melodies like the Ave Maria have been associated with Healing, and through this devotion to Holy Mary, a tremendous form has been created at Inner Levels which enfolds the Planet Earth itself. Such forms increase in size every time these particular pieces are played or sung, whether by an individual, a choir, or a celestial rendition by the Angelic Host. The individual who is rendering the music, according to his or her development, draws all of the substance of that thought form through his vehicles, and when there is an audience, in like manner, it fills the entire group who hears it, and to a lesser degree, the inner bodies of the entire race. 

Since the Ave Maria is dedicated to the Madonna, this form is naturally impregnated with her Radiation because every time it is sung or played, her Love goes out upon the strains of that music and so it is a powerful force on the Earth. This also applies to many other glorious melodies - particularly those of a devotional nature. 

You can readily see what a tremendous invisible, but potent, effect music has upon the people of Earth and why we encourage the cultivation and acknowledgement of lovely music. This is because of the great forms behind it which do much to keep the bodies of mankind more harmonious. This is a service which cannot be estimated by the human consciousness. 

The Ascended Master melodies will grow in like manner and become a tremendous part of the building of the New Age when the intellectual minds of the people understand to whom the Adorations are dedicated and the benefactions which ensue.

Love and Blessing,








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