Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 25                                                                                                      Sept. 22, 1968


Chelas on the Path: 

It is important that the chela be given the constant and conscious reminder to set the God Flame into action. It is imperative that the intellectual self be aware that it is the "I AM" Presence which is the Authority, for when the lower self claims authority over energy by charging it with his desires, distress in manifold forms ensues. 

You have been prompted many times that the little self must decrease so that the Infinite "I AM" Presence may increase. This is the sum and substance of the instructions of harmlessness and selflessness which training is given at the Ceylon Retreat. Harmlessness is not a passive, but a positive activity, and is the Spirit of God which abides within the hearts of all men. However, too few of mankind call it forth at this time. 

The intellectual self of the conscious chela is aware of the Immortal Victorious Three-Fold Flame which abides within his being, and it is not held guiltless before Life when that Flame is not employed - just as the knowledge and gifts and powers released by the Presence to man become an obligation, and their use is the balance to life for the delegation of those Gifts. 

It takes but a moment to direct your attention to the Ceylon Retreat, of which I have the great privilege of being the Hierarch, and invite myself or any of the brothers and sisters of this Focus to assist you in your endeavors to learn the Lesson of Harmlessness and Selflessness. I might add that your Sponsor is always willing to give you added assistance to attain your Freedom in the Light while still wearing a garment of flesh. 

The invitation has been extended to you - its acceptance is up to you.

Love and Blessings,







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