Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 23                                                                                                         Sept. 8, 1968


Beloved Chelas: 

The capacity to create a vibration is within every being - human and Divine, and science points out that that vibration has two aspects - both centripetal and centrifugal force. 

Through the power of magnetic attraction, the centripetal force draws energy to the Heart Center of Creation which is compatible to that Heart Center, and the centrifugal force then sends it out into the Universe. The chela, nourished by Spiritual instruction, will realize that his consciousness and feeling magnetize energy of a nature compatible to that which he is entertaining in his thought processes at any given moment. Within the centripetal force is the Power of Love which is the 'pull' drawing animate and inanimate substance of a harmonious quality toward the pulsating center of his being to be released for the benefaction of all life through his lifestream. 

The constructive use of the centrifugal force is the power which the Supreme Source of All Life used to externalize the Universe, and this same activity, when used by the chela in a positive and harmonious manner, can widen the borders of God's Kingdom on Earth. 

The activity of the two forces is employed by my humble self in drawing the Holy Breath from the Cosmic Holy Spirit and then sending the prana to all life upon this Earth for their sustenance and expansion of God-Good. 

The chela under the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy is required, as a result of privileged instruction, to keep his consciousness clear of the effluvia of the ages in his etheric garment which has been nourished by the mental and feeling worlds. Be grateful to our Beloved Saint Germain for bringing the Violet Fire of Transmutation to your attention for it is a spiritual and scientific means of clearing the debris from your lower vehicles. 

Be encouraged, good chelas; your vehicles are emitting more Light, and with the continued application of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation and Purification, you are advancing upon the Path toward self-mastery.

Love and Blessings,






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