A Message from the Holy Spirit




The Bridge to Freedom, Inc.                                                                     December, 1968




Beloved Children of Grace: 

At this Season of Prayer and Peace, let each chela realize that unto him, the Christ, or Savior, is waiting to be born - not next year, but at this very hour! 

In my capacity as Cosmic Holy Spirit, I do anoint the beings of each of you with the acceptance of the Christ dwelling within. The Savior is at the door of your consciousness, and as many have seen depicted, he holds the Lamp of Truth and Light but you, and you alone, must open the door. The Christ within is alive and waiting for re-birth in your consciousness, even as the Child Jesus pulsated in his mother's womb. 

When you first received individualization, the Birth of the Christ took place; but through misuse of God's Holy Energy, you built a 'cell' which imprisoned the Expression of Divinity, and through eons of time, the Christ was locked OUT of your consciousness. 

Through God's Mercy and Grace, you have now been provided with the ways and means, through the activity of the Sacred Fire, of removing the dense walls of human consciousness which have entombed the Christ! 

It is with great Love and Comfort that "I AM" privileged to tell you, my faithful chelas, that the walls which remain in your consciousness are but a misty film which you can remove at this moment so that 'the Savior is born' and that Christ can reign on the throne of your Being. 

I pray the Supreme Source of All Life that you shall eliminate all obstruction from your consciousness which has formed the cell which has entombed the Christ, for then unto each of you shall the Savior be re-born! 

I invoke the Angels of Peace, Grace and Comfort to be in your auras, not just at this Holy Season, but for all Eternity. This is my Christmas wish for you - each dear one.


In the Spirit of Grace

"I AM" Ĉolus Cosmic Holy Spirit