Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 38                                                                                      December 22, 1968


Children of My Heart: 

Again it is my pleasure to present some of the Instruction released at the THANKSGIVING CLASS. Today our Beloved Serapis Bey speaks: 

Beloved chelas, I AM truly grateful for your conscious co-operation with the Spiritual Hierarchy in bringing about the restoration of God's Kingdom on the Earth. This is the Age of Restoration - the return to the Perfection ordained for this Planet which once manifested hereon. And when the Permanent Golden Age comes forth visible and tangible to the physical sight, mankind will outpicture and participate in the expansion of God's Virtues for the illumination of all who abide upon the Planet. 

You know that this Country, the United States of America, was established in prayer and gratitude, and as the Heart of the Planet shall wax strong, for our Lord and King, Saint Germain, continuously nourishes it by his great Love and Faith. Be grateful that while there is apparent chaos upon the Earth at this hour, you are privileged to receive the instruction - the way and means of restoring the Earth to her glorious Perfection. 

One could compare this process of Restoration to that applied to a magnificent piece of sculpture which had been brought forth by a dedicated artist and then, through eons of time, was completely covered with the discord of mankind's destructive use of free will - that covering or film seemingly solidified into a mass of impregnable substance. However, all the while, the beauty of the object of art is still within the original manifestation or the image as brought forth by its creator - thus retaining, as it were, its original Perfection. This is the activity which is taking place on the Earth at this time, and it is the calls of the chelas and the prayers of other sincere individuals that are gradually chiseling away this dense substance. Although she yet wears a shroud of iniquity, the encased Beauty of God's Perfection and the so-called 'Lost Continents' will soon emerge through the purification process in which the Spiritual Hierarchy and the chelas are engaged. Thus shall the Restoration of the Beauty of God's Kingdom on Earth manifest and bring forth the Immaculate Concept as held in Beloved Immaculata's Cosmic Heart. 

There is a parallel in the life of the chela and other constructive lifestreams upon the Earth. The accumulated debris of the ages through the misuse of God's Holy Energy is being chiseled away by the Sacred Fire, all the while; the Christ within - your own Silent Watcher - is holding the Immaculate Concept for you. I feel confident that you will agree with me that the Age of Restoration is upon us!" 

Dear chelas, you are indeed living in an Age when you have unprecedented opportunity of serving the Light-and thus forwarding your own evolution and that of all upon this Earth.

Love and Blessings,









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