Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 36                                                                                    December 1, 1968


Beloved Chelas: 

The month of December is truly a time of Opportunity! It is the culmination of the period designated as a yearly cycle in the outer world, and is the time when the Mercy of the Cosmic Law permits much of the effluvia - that destructive karma which was not created through deliberate intent - to be erased from the Book of Life. 

During this month, the attention of mankind, for the most part, is upon the celebration of the birth of the Master Jesus into the world of form. Beloved Jesus came to set an example for mankind to emulate, and through his obedient and magnificent efforts, he left a Pattern for others to follow whereby each could become the Christ in Action. 

Although we have progressed from the Christian Dispensation to that of the Seventh Ray under the direction of our beloved Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, there are those who must still travel, at least for a time, in accordance with that Pattern until their consciousness can accept the Reigning Hierarch of the Seventh Ray Dispensation. This is one of the reasons why our Beloved Jesus has requested that he be referred to as 'Jesus' because he knows the magnetic power of that name and designation. 

Much of the Teaching of the Seventh Ray was embodied in the Sixth Ray Dispensation, but the consciousness of mankind en masse was not sufficiently illumined to see or accept it. The Cosmic Thread of Truth has run through all Dispensations since the beginning of time and is woven into each succeeding Ray - for Truth never changes; it continues to expand! 

My wish for you is that you shall each experience the exquisite Joy of Spiritual Re-birth into the Christ Consciousness - to endure for all Eternity! 

Love and Blessings,







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