Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 26                                                                                                          Sept. 24, 1967


Beloved Ones: 

If an individual in charge of a fleet of ships saw distress signals being sent forth, naturally he would investigate to see what the trouble was and would give the necessary instructions to remedy the condition. Then, if one or more of the ships continued to manifest the same trouble, further scrutiny would be employed to get at the root of the trouble. Today I would liken the feeling worlds of the chelas to the ships in that distress signals reach us from time to time for the removal of something of an imperfect nature which is manifesting in their own vehicles or in the beings of those they love. 

I expressly refer to the physical illness which appears on the screen of life and especially to those conditions which do not seem to respond to the application of the Sacred Fire. You will note, dear ones, that I say 'seem' to respond, for in no instance is the condition as serious as before the use of the Sacred Fire. The chela does not know the gravity of the cause and core which has resulted in the imperfect manifestation; else this thought would not present itself. There are a number of chelas through whose consciousness passes the thought, "should I handle this by the Sacred Fire alone, or should I seek help also from someone trained in the medical profession?" 

Blessed and sincere ones, the Beloved Saint Germain told you many years ago that if one has not reached the point in his evolution and the expansion of his Light is not sufficient to transmute the cause and core of illness, then it is wise to consult an individual trained in the medical field. Our Beloved Hilarion renders tremendous assistance through that profession, and when the chela seeks the advice of a Doctor, knowing in his heart that the Master Hilarion will guide him, when so invoked the required help will be forthcoming. 

It is indeed more balanced to get assistance from the trained Doctor than to continue to use the precious God Energy flowing through him on one project, we shall say, which might require an interminable length of time to manifest Perfection. When you have applied your 'training' in the use of the Sacred Fire sufficiently to know and accept in your feelings that instant manifestation of Perfection can take place, then there will be no requirement for other assistance. 

However, the balanced chela will recognize the wisdom contained in the above, and when a condition of a serious nature manifests, it is wise to secure help from those trained in this specific field, all the while continuing the use of the Sacred Fire, he will not use all his energy along one line, but will employ it to alleviate the chaotic conditions manifest in many at this crucial hour.

Love and Blessings,







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