Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 15, No. 44                                                                                           January 29, 1967


Beloved Wayfarers on the Path: 

There comes to my mind, as I direct my attention to you, the title of one of your lovely songs which states “Truth is so precious to me”. 

What a wonderful affirmation to embody in your consciousness daily! For in Truth, the acceptance thereof, is the freedom from all that is not of the Light. As you realize, I do not refer to verbal Truth alone, but to the daily, hourly, living of being an expression of Truth in all you do. 

When the chela turns his vehicles over to the Christ Presence within, and then endeavors to keep the human aspect out of the way, Truth has an avenue of expression in the physical appearance world. 

Control of the lower vehicles cannot be accomplished by effort of human will, for that is temporary. As you aspire to the externalization of Truth in all you do, and the recalcitrant human decides it would like to have its say, remember always there are mighty Beings who have a gathered momentum of Truth, and specialize in that aspect of the Deity, who would willingly rush to your assistance , if you would so invoke them. 

The magnificent Goddess of Truth, Beloved Pallas Athena, always welcomes the opportunity to enfold all lifestreams in her loving embrace, giving them the strength, courage and love to nourish the Flame of Truth in their hearts. 

Seeing the tremendous expansion of the Light within your hearts and knowing the tests which each chela encounters in his forward journey on the Spiritual Path, I feel that from time to time a direction of your attention to the basic principles of God Truth will assist all who desire to incorporate them in their daily lives.

Love and Blessings,