Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 40                                                                              December 31, 1967


Beloved Chelas: 

On this the last day of the year, I desire to express my Personal Gratitude for your sincere interest and application of the Directives which I have had the privilege of giving to you. 

With the bright New Year dawning, upon reviewing the evolutions of this earth„ I feel that it is imperative that the Flame of HOPE be invoked for all. There are so many warring factions, international, national and personal, which are still manifesting, that the mankind of the Planet is allowing the feeling of discouragement to express. We know that this negative attitude is one of depression and a disintegrating factor of great proportion. 

Therefore, I counsel you that, while making your calls for Transmutation and Peace, you call also for the Flame of Hope to stir within the hearts of all men. The glorious Cosmic Being, Lady Hope, has a magnificent momentum of this necessary Virtue, and your invocation to her will bring a tremendous release of that Quality. 

When an individual entertains and nourishes the Flame of Hope within their beings, there is an exhilaration and buoyancy of feeling which cannot be denied, and which spurs one on to the fulfillment of the desire which is foremost in their consciousness. 

I suggest that you contemplate the Gift of Hope; invite the Lady Hope to fan that Flame within your being; and in humble gratitude let it nourish your vehicles. Then having experienced this acceleration of God Energy, I feel sure that you will wish, through the Powers of the Christ Presence within, to cradle all mankind in its Holy Invigorating Essence. 

At the threshold of the New Year, we stand Heart in Heart, and hand in hand, determined to enrich the consciousness of mankind with the necessity of following the Spiritual Way of Life - which we know is the only true way to Happiness.

Love and Blessings,








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