Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 38                                                                                       December 17, 1967


Beloved Chelas: 

With the pageantry of Christmas all about us, it is a most opportune time to think upon the Christ alive within you. As the Beloved Jesus was born in a stable of crude fashioning, so do the garments which you wear provide a temporary place of abode for the glorious Christ Presence within. 

This is a most auspicious time for you, each one, to determine that you will so use the Flames of Purification and Transmutation, that for the rest of the journey on this planet, you will allow the Presence within to abide in a fitting Temple of Light. 

Dear ones, you have but to change your consciousness to Perfection and hold the Immaculate Concept for ourselves and not continually turn your attention to any inadequacy which may presently be expressing through your garments. During the Christian Dispensation, you have often heard the statement "the Lord will provide". The Father-Mother God did provide you with perfect garments, but through the ages you have experimented and experimented, and now you are faced with the fact that the house in which your Lord does reside is certainly not what it should be. 

We, who can see the glorious Light blazing forth from your beings, know that you now have within your grasp, the way and means of fashioning a garment of Pure Light such as the Master Jesus wore while walking the Earth. As I have before counseled, invoke the added assistance from Beloved Mother Mary to hold the Immaculate Concept for you and all life and with the New Year dawning, determine that the Presence of God alive within you shall have precedence over all human thinking and permit that Light to shine forth through you for the benefaction of all life everywhere. 

The Blessings of Peace, Divine Love, and God Illumination are yours just for the acceptance in your consciousness and the Mantle of my-Love is ever about you.

Love and Blessings,






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