Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 47                                                                                              February 20, 1966


Beloved Chelas: 

An Officer of high rank in the military service of his country is one who is in charge of well-trained men and woman upon whom he can depend in time of necessity, to carry out his orders for a specific advancement in a project, knowing that their training will stand them in good stead. 

Each of you, beloved ones, has an opportunity to prove the above fact in a Spiritual manner. You have indeed a top ranking Being of Intelligence directing the activities of your lifestream - the Christ Presence within. You will note, I have said 'directing' which indicates the present, for through the obedience to the instructions which have been given to you, the Christ Self is permitted the privilege of handling the energy which is allotted to your lifestream, for constructive use in the world of form. More and more is the co-operation of the four lower vehicles becoming evident, for which we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are grateful beyond words. 

With the advent of the Lenten Season, on Wednesday, the 23rd, multitudes began preparation for Easter through various forms of penance, or deprivation, which brings with it the dolorous attitude of contrition and the depression which accompanies the dubious celebration of the crucifixion of the Master Jesus. However, we rejoice that we have chelas on the Earth who have been apprised and accept, the true meaning of the preparation for the Resurrection of Beloved Jesus. This accomplishment of the Master Jesus IS the example of Immortality for all men and was the reason for his ministry on Earth. 

Let not the feeling of sadness enter into your beings, but rejoice that you have the opportunity, and the tool (the Sacred Fire) to prepare for the Joyous, Triumphant Feast of Easter. It has been said many times that the Violet Fire is so grateful to be called into action, and this is true of all activities of the Sacred Fire. I counsel you to call, and call, and call for the purification of the Earth and her evolutions, for there are millions who will be receptive in their finer bodies for this purging, and prepare the way for the tremendous activity of the Resurrection Flame which is released at Easter, bringing with it a buoyant attitude of being. 

"Peace on Earth" has been the theme of Christmas. Let that now become the accepted fact for Easter.

Love and Blessings,






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