Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 24                                                                                                                                  Sept. 12, 1965


Beloved Chelas:  

I would bring to your attention the cardinal Virtue of Fortitude. 

When the many and varied tests cross the chela's path, fortitude, which is synonymous with endurance, stands him in good stead. As I weekly review the development of the chelas under my specific guidance, "I AM" impressed with the presence of this Virtue, but it is one which must be adhered to constantly, otherwise the negative forces find a wedge through which to gain entrance into one's world and affairs. 

Accomplishment in any endeavor, spiritual or secular, is gained by the individual who has a momentum of fortitude and constancy to a purpose. Remember that you are advancing up the mount of Attainment and the upward journey is fraught with difficult situations which have been personally created by the individual and re-appear in his world, as he forges ahead to his ultimate Victory in the Light. 

Oh yes, I have stated the above facts previously, but the unpleasant conditions which present themselves to you must be overcome and transmuted by the Sacred Fire into the Perfection which was an integral part of your being when you decided to venture forth into the physical appearance world in order that your sojourn on this Earth will result in Victorious Accomplishment. 

As the man of accomplishment, be he one of science, an athlete or a musician, knows that practice makes perfect through constant endeavor, so must the chela realize that fortitude or endurance must be a part of his mature to arrive at the state of God Perfection for which he is ever striving. No chela is ever tested beyond the momentum of endurance which he has built through the centuries. 

Do you not see that fortitude is an essential part of my Being as I constantly bring to your notice the Virtues which require further development!

Love and Blessings,







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