Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 9                                                                                                          May 30, 1965


Beloved Chelas: 

It is gratifying to witness the development in your consciousness which brings you to the place where you are a Comforting Presence to unascended mankind. Comfort to life is an activity of the Holy Spirit and carries an amplified radiation when it can be released through lifestreams consciously serving under the direction of "The Holy Comforter". 

At any and all times that you are sending forth a radiation of harmony, on that beam of energy flows the Comfort Flame, This Virtue is a strengthening activity and adds to the Light of the world. Comfort is a magnet which draws from Heaven's Realms the so required gift of Peace. 

You have all witnessed a mother give comfort to her child whose feelings or body had been injured, and how the mother's love soon dispelled the tears or hurt feelings of the youngster. 

Adults in the company of one another, without speaking a word or extending a hand, can bring Comfort to the one requiring that radiation. This is easy of accomplishment for the chela when he has advanced to the state where the radiation from his being is that of harmony. To be a true radiating center of Comfort, the greatest service can be rendered when the personal steps aside, and lets the gifts of the Presence ride into the world of form, through the channel of harmonious and peaceful energy. 

Oh how the world requires the peaceful radiation of Comfort to soothe the irritating and disquieting vibrations which are rampant on this Earth today. The dark shroud of unrest can and SHALL BE DISPELLED by lifestreams who offer themselves, through their harmonious radiation, as vessels into which the Flame of Comfort can flow, and through them to dispel the shadows of great unrest upon this blessed Planet.

Love and Blessings,