Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 42                                                                                    January 17, 1965

Beloved Chelas: 

To bring about a more compatible feeling between the Forces of the Elements and mankind is essential. 

To you, blessed ones, who have been apprised that there would be forthcoming changes in the straightening of the axis of the Earth, we make this appeal. As you know, this process is being done gradually so that havoc will not be wrought in a too drastic change. 

However, you also know that an accelerated rate of vibration is being anchored into the Earth plane which causes upheavals of one kind or another - due of course to the inharmony and imperfection which is everywhere manifest. 

This message is sent not to alarm you in any way, but it is a case of 'forewarned is forearmed'. You have the most perfect implement by which harmony between the gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders and the mankind of this Earth can be brought into cooperation, one with the other... the use of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation, the merciful action of the Law of Forgiveness. 

Beloved ones ask forgiveness of these blessed servants of mankind, first for yourself and then for all life upon this Planet, for what has been imposed upon these beings through the ages. Love, oh love them through the Flame of Gratitude for their daily service, without whose assistance life would be nonexistent upon this Earth. 

I enfold you in the Love of the Holy Spirit, praying that you will be ever alert to the Instructions which are released to you.

Love and Blessings,


Paul - The Venetian





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