Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 13, No. 31                                                                                                                           November 1, 1964


Beloved Friends of My Heart: 

There is a word used a great deal within prose and poetry called "affinity". 

An affinity means a sympathetic vibration passing between two lifestreams, which brings a sense of harmony and contentment to both parties. When we use the word sympathetic, we do not use it in the human parlance which condones agreement with imperfection, but we use the word "sympathetic" meaning a vibration of a similar or complimentary keynote which by nature blends harmoniously with other vibrations and causes a feeling of well-being and general harmonious accomplishment. 

These affinities are physical, etheric, mental and emotional. They have caused violent attractions and when they are absent, violent repulsions are felt between the 'unperfected' manifestations of the ONE LIFE. When there is an affinity between the soul and lower bodies of two or more people, and it is balanced by a spiritual affinity by the Holy Christ Selves, it gives the Ascended Masters a tremendous natural instrument for service, because to find two or more people anywhere on the globe who can, under stress and strain, remain harmonious and sensitive to the "I AM" Presence and each other, has been a difficult and impossible task. 

You, dear ones, are in a period of strenuous, to you, training. We are diligently blending the energies of the chelas and where we find a "sympathetic" vibration, it is indeed a joy to our Hearts. For when we can blend a group of lifestreams, even two individuals, in a specific area and then this can be accomplished in many locations, you can understand the over-all process of blending the entire student body into one beautiful, harmonious vibration of Pure Divine Love. 

Seemingly impossible! Indeed not! We are closer to that accomplishment than your outer consciousness can realize. I bring this to your specific attention at this time, so that you will cooperate with the Hierarchy by being as harmonious as possible and when conditions of an imperfect nature present themselves to you, you will immediately take your attention from the manifestation by using the Flame of Transmutation and trusting in your Holy Christ Self to carry on its perfect work, by allowing that Christ Self to be the Directing Intelligence of your individual lifestream.

Love and Blessings,









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