Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 9                                                                                                             May 31, 1964


Beloved Chelas: 

When an individual comes to a point of understanding that the 'Realm of Cause' is the only sphere that requires study, understanding and the conscious cooperation of the lifestream's faculties, he stands on the threshold of Freedom from the chaotic world of maya, where he is buffeted by the effects of the undisciplined creative faculties of himself and the race of which he is a member. 

You today are living in a world of effect, the outer consciousness does not know from hour to hour what invisible Cause, consciously or unconsciously set up, will be externalized in your own experience, that of your loved ones, the Nation, or the Planet. You are therefore all in a position of uncertainty as to the future in regard to your own capacities to expand your Light and God's Will. 

We come to assist you into a higher vibratory action where you become cognizant of your power to create 'Cause' consciously and know with certainty that its effect will manifest upon your own Pathway and according to the design set up through your controlled thought and feeling process. Then you come from a point of - mastered to Master. 

Thought and feeling endowed upon the lifestream from the Great Central Sun, with individualization graded, create 'Cause' as two sticks rubbed together create fire. To experiment with the conscious creation of a Cause, pouring into that Cause the energy of your thought and feeling world, and repeated at rhythmic intervals, until the beam of energy within that Cause has sufficient intensity of energy and light to lower into the physical as an Effect, is to pierce the power of precipitation, and to experience that marvelous sensation, that by applied thought and feeling, one's world can be reordered and designed according to a direct pattern in which there is no vacillation and no substitution. 

Instead of the unconscious Causes set up in the course of a day, as you practice more and more, there will be several powerful Causes which will dominate your thought and feeling world in your waking hours and your energies will be feeding constantly that Vortex of Flame and you become one-pointed in precipitating God's Will. 

Experimentation will prove me true.

Love and Blessings,