Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 37                                                                                                  December 13, 1964


Beloved Children: 

No man lives unto himself alone! 

All chelas should realize that their thoughts and feelings are something which are world-wide in scope. Every individual affects mankind in general by the quality of the thoughts and feelings which flow forth from them, because 'like attracts like' and the emanation from any and every lifestream 'seeks its own level'. 

It is the responsibility of lifestreams under the direction of the Ascended Masters of Wisdom to control the radiation which is in constant motion through the Universe. That appears to be a gigantic undertaking, but every drop of clear water which flows into a vessel containing substance of a lower nature acts as a purifying agent. 

The radiation from the chelas should form streamers of Light, which by magnetic attraction, will tie into other centers of like vibration and the combined activity will raise the masses. In this Holiday Season, we most humbly suggest that you endeavor to be radiating centers of Peace and Harmony, and see what you can do to change - not by the spoken word - but by the emanation of the Power of Light - the thoughts and feelings of those with whom you come in contact. You can readily see that this will not be a 'local' activity, so to speak, for you are 'broadcasters' to the masses, without uttering a word. 

You will be rewarded in the experiencing of great peace and harmony which you can make a permanent part of your lifestream, for as before stated every wave of energy ties into a like vibration. 

The Peace of the Holy Season seeks to be a Mantle about your shoulders at all times. Wear it, dear children of the Father.

Love and Blessings,






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