The   Bridge to Freedom, Inc.


The Beloved Maha Chohan Speaks on the God Power

Allotted to Man and His Use of It 


It is amazing to the outer consciousness how much the Presence of God can do through any individual human being when given the opportunity, and when man’s consciousness does not limit those Powers by his own limited thought and feelings. 

If you were to take a little time to contemplate all that the great Master Jesus established in the way of raising the dead, healing the sick, making the blind to see and the lame to walk you could come to an understanding as the powers that are within the I AM Presence and which Jesus drew forth. 

Following this line of thought a little further you will see that the same Powers are within your own I AM Presence, for the Presence of God in Jesus and in you are ONE – it is merely the knack of releasing those powers by your constant attunement and your calls to your Presence that you must learn to be like him – and Practice makes Perfect. 

The beloved chelas are not practicing the Presence enough in the simple activity of daily living. By practicing I mean contemplating the God Powers that flow through the lifestream in even the smallest daily activity. 

Now the God Power allotted the average man is less than ten percent of the great God Power of each one’s I AM Presence, but of that ten percent people use less than one-hundredth of one percent, which provides for the functions of the body and the limited intelligence within the brain, the beat of the heart, etc., the other nine-tenth of the God energy passes through the body completely unused. 

If any student were to draw forth from within the ten percent of energy, which is automatically released from his I AM Presence, the gifts and powers that are contained within that ten percent, he would stand out from among mankind as a being from another more evolved planet and when such a one taps the entire reserve of the Presence, the Earth could no longer hold him. 

It is wise and expedient to use the Powers of the I AM Presence through the mind and heart even in the most menial task, through the feet in your daily living, through the throat in speech and song, through the eyes to see and the ears to hear and not let those powers flow out of the body and liken it to a great treasure chest which is unopened as it passes through the hands of the careless people who might have acknowledged the riches of the universe had they taken time to open the chest and find the contents rich in that which is the specific requirement of the moment.