The   Bridge to Freedom, Inc.

SPECIAL GIFT LETTER -  September 1962 




Beloved Friends of My Heart:

Within the Heart Flame itself is the quickening power which is often referred to as the Power of Levitation. This regulates the vibration in the mental and feeling world. Its emanation is Light and its motive is Love. When the Ascended Master chooses to descend to any other plane which is below the vibratory action in which he functions constantly, he utilizes the Power within his heart to slow down the vibration of his inner vehicles, just as the airplane pilot before lending sets the necessary controls into motion wherein the vibratory action of the mechanism is slackened for the proper descent of the great plane. The living birds in flight use the same process and their descent is affected in God order. 

On the other hand, mankind lowered the vibratory action without control through imperfect thought and feeling, and they lost the capacity to quicken that vibratory action at will. Thus they are prisoners within the vibrations set up by their own thought and feeling and cannot usually extricate themselves without help. This assistance comes through meditation and prayer which brings help from above. We rejoice in your calls, and will remain in the lower atmosphere of Earth until mankind, through their own self-conscious activity, learn again to rise on the wings of their own Life Energy into the Spheres where they formerly dwelt. Until you have ascended in consciousness above a certain height, constant attention and thought upon the Ascended Masters is of tremendous assistance - for we are Elder Brothers pointing the way Home. Invocation to the Ascended Master Jesus or myself (or the master of your choice) to dwell within the Heart Flame constantly will give great assistance in lifting you out of the lower spheres and will hold you in a receptive radiation until your own Life Energy has grown in power to a point where it can sustain itself on this Higher Plane and not descend into the lower spheres of thought and feeling. When you feel yourself entering any feeling that is not constructive, become still, turn your attention at once to your Master and feel his Radiation enter your body. Remain still mentally until you feel his Currents pass through you like water and he will lift you above the vibratory action of the Earth.