Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 11, No. 28                                                                                                 Oct. 7, 1962


Beloved in the Light: 

Let us consider again the co-operation of Master and chela. The Ascended Master can do through the chela only that which the aspiring one entertains in his thoughts and feelings, and the sympathy of vibration which the chela can create and sustain with the Master Presence. It is essential that the aspirant have a pliancy of character, be not hard to deal with, and be not obstinately rooted in human ideas, but rather, have an open mind and a generous and loving heart. This disciplining of the human self is a voluntary offering on the part of the chela to the Ascended One. 

If the chela, for three days after receiving these words of mine, will make a conscious and constant connection with me and try to follow through the entire waking period as a soul dedicated to my Nature, he may be assured of the miracle working power of my Presence flowing through him. This, too, will bring a better comradeship, understanding and Oneness between my brave wayfarers and myself. It will enable greater assistance and service to be rendered in accord with the Design of the Ascended Host. As you have been told, the radiation of the Ascended Ones is as fluidic as the Sunlight. 

When mankind first took embodiment they were children of grace, but when they rebelled against the Will of God and followed the dictates of the lower nature, they strayed from the Divine Plan which they had taken embodiment to fulfill. Humanity may be divided into two classes - those who fight and conquer their lower self (thus walking in the Light of their Presence), and those who are enslaved by their lower self and live in the world of illusion. Therefore devoting a certain period to the silencing of the outer wishes and desires and appetites, and placing the whole of one's being into the heart of an Ascended Being will most assuredly free and cleanse the chela from the world's turmoil and discord, Today I invite each chela to consciously enter into the very heart of my Being.

Love and Blessings,








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