Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 11, No. 15                                                                                                 July 8, 1962


Friends of My Heart: 

The Spiritual Hierarchy dedicated to serving mankind and the Earth by their voluntary exile from the fuller glories of the Fourth Dimensional Plane are required to draw a tremendous amount of Light in order to protect and sustain their charges - the people of Earth. While they remain really on a lower ladder of Spiritual evolution voluntarily through their contact with the people of Earth, yet they are enabled to rise higher in their meditation than the individual in Nirvana, because the very drawing, focusing and expanding of Light is such a constant process that it increases their capacity to rise. 

The more responsibility you take to hold the Light in this world of men, the greater grows your Light and your capacity to rise. As Above, so below… 

You have been told there is no floor and no ceiling in the Universe except within the capacity of the Individual Flame to draw, control and emit Light. This elastic arrangement gives great opportunity for any part of Life to evolve without the restraining influence of any law except his own desire and one-pointedness in the development of his own potential Divinity. There are not any two Ascended Masters or Cosmic Beings who proceed on exactly the same scale of evolution - each determines his progress by his own service and God-Activity. The amount of Light within the Perfected Being determines the speed of vibration which he can achieve through maximum effort - and that speed of vibration determines the height to which he can rise. 

Upon a little thought, therefore, you will see that we, your friends of Light, are constantly journeying to the Great Central Sun because our Love is so determined to receive dispensations for mankind that we have had to increase our capacity to rise to the very throne of Grace to effect changes in the Cosmic Law for the people of Earth we endeavor to help.

Love and Blessings,







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