Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 11, No. 36                                                                                        December 2, 1962



The natural harmony of the physical vehicle and the keynote of the individual are, as you have been told, constantly flowing through the nervous system from the spinal column, and that harmony is the sustaining power of the outer self. Through their relaxed meditation upon the Light going forth through the spinal column into the nervous system, peace and serenity will fill the personal worlds of my chelas. Hold no fear-filled thoughts and feelings regardless of the blatant worldly forebodings, for thus will our chelas be outposts of unshaken strength, each grounded in the All-Awareness of our Love. 

The Cosmic Rays of the Ascended Host are pouring their mighty ideas into the minds of men today and these new ideas shall flow into the outer world to further the progress of all. The calls of each and every chela for the upliftment of mankind are our "open channels of supply" into the Earth-plane. 

The purpose of self-conscious intelligences created within the All-Pervading Mind of God is to give such self-conscious beings the opportunity to learn how to draw energy, qualify that energy, and again send it forth by thought, word and act in a harmonious manner, adding to the joy of God's creation an ever-expanding Perfection. 

This outpouring of energy from the Eternal Father of All is limitless in its tremendous onrush, but it is governed by Law in the Cosmic Pulse beat of the Elohim, even as the energy of the physical heart is counted by each electron. 

The atmosphere of Earth was created by the Elohim Builders releasing their energy and certain beneficent currents to help the evolution of Earth's people. This rush of power, too, generated by the Elohim for the benefit of mankind, is governed by Law, as has been said. Humanity, and the Earth itself, are allowed a certain pressure of heat from the Sun and a certain radiation from the Earth. The planets, as you knew, are also governed by the same Law and revolve at a certain rate of speed. This Law works all through Nature - men, animal and plant life.

Love and Blessings,






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