Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 9, No. 25                                                                                                                       Sept. 18, 1960


My Beloved Friends of Light: 

God, through Life is the Silent, Motivating Power of the Universe. The natural emanation of Life is Light. As you become conscious pilgrims on the Spiritual Pathway of the Silence you will learn from Life itself the exquisite beauty of being one facet of its quenchless Flame. All the Ascended Masters, Devas, men, birds, animals and growing things are expressions of the One Life which encompasses all. Throughout infinity and the galaxies of Suns, there is no tiny space where Life is not. This Life is God - a Universal Substance, whether expressed as a Solar Logi, or a blade of grass! 

For the man of wisdom Life is a gentle teacher, sharing its great gifts from the Heart of the Silence. For men of less understanding Life is a more severe instructor, but always with only one purpose - to teach it’s every expression the manifold glories contained within its silent, throbbing Being. 

Remembering to speak only when his words are more golden than his silence the chela's mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies become still enough to hear the Song of the Silence, to understand the language of the birds and the animals and the gentle voice of the growing grass, and finally, he becomes so attuned to Life expressed in Nature, that he is able to plunge into the Sacred Secret of his own throbbing heart, wherein lives the Holy Christ Self of each one. 

The chela must learn that neither books, words, nor any outer crutch can unlock the secret forces that lie dormant within him. When his bodies, through long stillness, become quiet enough and assume their proper stations as servants (not masters) of form, then he becomes the Voice of the Silence and his Presence can and does unlock the hidden healing in another's breast, ease away the shadow of another's pain, and gently guide another part of himself to the same still road that leads to Self Mastery. 

I give you, each one, my greetings and my love, and as you co-operate with the Silent Power of God, you, too, shall tread joyously the Way of Peace.

Love and Blessings,










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