Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 9, No. 23                                                                                                       Sept. 4, 1960


Beloved of My Heart: 

In every pulsation of the Holy Christ Flame within the heart the consciousness radiates forth its blessings into the Universe, raising and purifying the people. Thus the Holy Spirit becomes the Servant of the individual creator and so the individual is responsible for the use he makes of precious Life. Each man's consciousness is an accumulation of Energy molded into forms of thought and feeling, vibrating at various wave-lengths according to their specific qualities and intensity of focus. 

When a person comes into the radiation of an Ascended Being during a class, a decree group, or a presentation of his written words, his individual consciousness is held in abeyance through the Mercy of Life and he is allowed to feel the consciousness of the Ascended Master without the pressure of his own thoughts and feelings. This accounts for the stimulation, enthusiasm and lightness the heart experiences when his thoughts and attention are on the Ascended Ones which is not always sustained when the individual re-enters his own aura and the radiation of the Ascended Masters ceases to be the controlling Activity of his world. 

The Inner Man of each individual knows Truth and wants Peace, and when the mass pressure of human creation is removed every person will respond gratefully to the outpouring of this instruction. The weight on one's own adverse thinking is what makes it almost impossible to sustain the uplift that one experiences in exalted moments. Therefore to cleanse and purify one's aura of these humanly created forms of thought and feeling is imperative. When the Cup is constantly filled with the radiance of the Presiding Master it will be an ever-expanding consciousness of Divinity. The Bridge from the human to the Divine is built on the foundation of Pure Energy, and he who crosses into the Realm of God's own Heart must wipe his feet clean of the clay of sensual desires and adverse human criticism. 

My beloved wayfarers seek not so much to be consoled as to console, or to be loved as for it is in giving that the giver receives. As I walk with you upon the upward Pathway I bless you and rejoice when your free-will is an upward reaching.

Love and Blessings,







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