Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 51                                                                                                  March 20, 1960


My Beloved Children of my Father’s Kingdom: 

When the spinal column of the physical body is in perfect alignment, the lifestream is in perfect harmony with the Holy Christ Self and the "I AM" Presence and such a chela becomes an instrument of great value to the Ascended Masters. The spinal column is the central pole of the body around which the various organisms and electrons spin; it is like unto the arms of the physical earth held in place by Polaris and Magnus. Within this spinal column is the magnetic core of Love that holds the physical vehicle itself in manifest expression. Within the spinal column is the Cosmic Keynote for each lifestream. The tone and the natural harmony of the vehicle are constantly flowing through the nervous system from the spinal column, and that harmony is the sustaining power of the outer self of each such chela. 

When harmony in the physical form is temporarily broken through strain and tension, it may be acquired again if the chela will lie quietly upon his bed with a low headrest (or none) and visualize his spinal column as the pole. Then, in relaxation, let the Light from the spinal column go through the nervous system and the entire physical vehicle carrying the Light into every cell and atom of his Being, If this can be done for fifteen minutes daily, the chela breathing deeply and rhythmically holding the thought and feeling of LIGHT, he can again adjust his physical body and arise refreshed and relaxed. 

Upon examining the records of my chelas over the past year, I find that their harmony, kindness and love have been extraordinary considering the pressure on the outer vehicles, Nearly all, without realizing it, have been through Spiritual initiations, where their strengths and their weaknesses have been tested, and "I AM" glad to say they have not been found wanting. 

We have watched your progress, dear ones, and we are indeed gratified that so many of you have maintained definite integrity in placing the Ascended Masters Service first, and by centering yourselves in the Heart of your Presence you can consciously maintain that harmony.

Love and Blessings,








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