Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 49                                                                                                               March 6, 1960


My dear children:


As we enter again the Lenten Season, each dear chela prepares for the Resurrection of Divinity through him so that my beloved son, Jesus, who gave the pattern of divine expression, can know that same feeling which was his own Victory is yours today. 

Love and Blessings


Beloved Maha Chohan speaks:

The Divine Passion of the Ascended Master Jesus was preordained, and most of the individuals who were close to that Passion had learned at inner levels of their opportunity to serve with him for many hundreds of years before the Earthly experience took place. 

These disciples who were drawn around our Beloved Jesus were mostly beings who had served with him through many past embodiments and had formed a momentum of love and fidelity towards his great Individuality and towards his Mission, which all knew instinctively, would one day be accomplished through him! 

The great privilege of serving with the Master Jesus was a voluntary choice of the souls who became his apostle and disciples, and before each Earth life they studied well his coming Mission and endeavored to develop in themselves, through that Earth life, the necessary strength of character to be of assistance to him in his final hour and his Victory! 

It is a difficult task, however, for individuals to maintain fidelity to the Divine Plan after they leave the Home Realm (Heaven) and become bound in the lower bodies which their own Life's Energy has provided for them. Therefore, the Master Jesus proceeded through life absolutely true to his Mission while the disciples sometimes digressed on the highways and byways of their personal problems, appetites and lusts. Through the centuries, Beloved Jesus unfolded more rapidly than the accompanying spirits who had volunteered to be his guardians. 

At the time of the embodiment of Jesus which the Cosmic Law set for the example of the Resurrection and the Ascension, his entire company of Devotees was to have ascended with him, but because they had not utilized their opportunities of preparation, only John and Mary were ready and at the close of their Earth-span achieved the Ascension in the Light. 

You will remember that this caused Jesus some distress, for in the hour of his trial, his guardians, because of their dallying by the wayside, were fearful and timid and found wanting when he required their friendship and fidelity most. As the centuries have rolled by various ones of that particular group have made up their time in service and have Ascended. In this embodiment, those of you, my chelas, who were with Jesus so many years ago will complete your cycle and enter that state also. It is wise for you to utilize the remaining years of this life so that you may accomplish now what you vowed yourself to do two thousand years ago. 

I bless you for your fidelity in this Earth Life.


Love and Blessings,



 Lenten prayer


"Take my body, Jesus

Eyes and ears and tongue,

Never let them, Jesus,

Help to do thee wrong


Take my heart and fill it

Full of love for thee

All I have I give thee

Give thyself to me."








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