Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 47                                                                                                        February 21, 1960


Dear Ones: 

Measuring in Earthly time up until thirty years ago, the human consciousness was allowed freedom to act independently of God and the Laws of his Universe. Then, thirty years ago, the Cosmic Cycle closed on the destructive use of the free will by unawakened mankind. At this time the Holy Christ Self of every lifestream embodied and to be embodied in the future has been given certain authority to act through the individual without the conscious cooperation of the outer self. Thus began the cycle of the coming forth of the Cosmic Christ, which is the true God-self of all individual beings. 

Through the contemplation and assimilation, by the students, of the instruction which has come forth, there are many of my chelas who have called the Holy Christ Self into full action through the lifestreams of all that live on Earth today. These fiats issued by understanding and faithful students of the Light that flows through all, I assure you, bring speedy results, and when the individual holds the Holy Christ Self responsible for the Ascension of those lifestreams, the gratitude and rejoicing of those Holy Christ Selves - and of the Ascended Host - is without limit. 

Many of you have a natural aptitude for attuning one's self to Cosmic powers and utilizing them for the good of the masses. I represent a personal delegation for the Holy Christ Selves of all mankind where they have asked you to set up a bombardment of Heaven to allow their visible Presence to act through the flesh-form of those lifestreams who represent them. 

If you will arm yourself with this understanding, and practice it, by using the conscious calls that every human being will act constructively or peacefully, or in a manner which is in accordance with their Divine Plan - no matter what the physical body seems to be doing - you can change the most stubborn human self without a word and produce an Ascended master miracle through that lifestream. At this particular time of Earthly evolution, when the emotional bodies of mankind are being rocked in the process of cleansing, these calls are especially requested. Knowing your joyous cooperation, blessed ones, I expect great results during the coming months of 1960.

My love and gratitude enfolds you at all times.

Love and Blessings,





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