Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 30                                                                                                                 Oct. 25, 1959


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

Today, on the anniversary of the official opening of Lord Zadkiel's Foci of the Violet Transmuting Flame, I give to you his words, Radiation and Love.

Love and Blessings,



Lord Zadkiel speaks: 

Blessed and beloved ones who have called to us to come into the atmosphere of Earth, we have come many times in ages past and many times in ages present and we shall continue to come while even one heart calls and invokes us for God assistance. When an individual's name is spoken, even in the unascended realm, immediately you tie to the energy of the individual who uses that name. This is a God Truth and you turn your attention toward such a one, giving the assistance which that one requires, yet you are not fully God-free beings. Think then when our names are used; the name of any one of us who represents the Angelic, the Cosmic or the Divine Host of Light, when our names are called we, bringing the fullness of Love, certainly come and abide and release the fullness of our Power into, through and around you; into, through and around the Earth and all that is imprisoned thereon, giving the blessing and benediction of our names and of our Presence. 

Think on this - to use the name of a Divine Being, is to tie your energy to the full gathered cosmic momentum of that Being so that it flows back into, through and around you and then radiates forth from you to bless all life everywhere. So do not hesitate in feeling that you are calling on us too much. We enjoy giving of our Life to this Earth preparing it to be Freedom's Holy Star, just as you enjoy giving your life which is the very life utilized not only in spiritual contemplation but also in menial tasks in spreading the Light of the World, thus your life and our life becomes One. Think on it! We have One Life and that Life is always used to promote World Peace, World Goodness and Word Brotherhood, Freedom from distress of every kind and of every description and to the establishment upon this Planet Earth of every good and perfect manifestation that is in God's Kingdom waiting to manifest according to the Ascended Master Saint Germain's Divine Plan. 

Please, beloved ones accept this in your feelings as a permanent part of you. As we come, we take again and again the human effluvia in, through and around each and every lifestream which naturally accumulates, to give to you more of our sustained buoyancy and energy in the Light - buoyancy in your service to the Light. Now let us please accept that. 

We are here in this Virgin State (Virginia) for a specific reason of Cosmic Import to the Manu of the Seventh Root Race and to the beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain particularly, preparatory to the expansion of a purified radiation from this 'Palace on the Hill!' So is building construction taking place at all times, according to the rhythm, the capacity, the strength and the vitality of each lifestream evolving with Earth's evolutions made more than the wise man, seeing a bridge that was frayed in Tibet and where they have many bridges made of rope, would he step upon it and plunge into the heart of a stream or sometimes a canyon far below, We do not choose to put too much weight on the ‘cables’ (chelas) that make up the various rays of our Bridge of Light until we are sure that you are able to stand, enjoy and be a real pillar of Light in our name to focus perfection here! 

I have told you, often, of our Focus over Cuba today and previously - on Atlantis and much of the Foci of the White Order and the separating of that from the order of the black magicians and how Atlantis and Poseidonis were forced to take a rest beneath the sea because of the introduction of phenomena primarily by those who had received instruction from ourselves and instead of using that phenomena as a Sacred Trust and Honor, they used it to show other individuals their personal power. In other words, they misused the powers of etherealization and precipitation far more than the number who were wise enough to use those powers of precipitation quietly than those who were enamored of those powers for personal purposes vested in them by our very selves. It is truly said in the words of your Earth, that every power should be a power that you develop in the silence, sustain in the giving its benediction, blessing and benefaction to life, not allowing in any way any of the worm of spiritual pride for you to use a sacred power invested in you or built into you from your Causal Body to impress life. Why think you that the great Manus, that the great Gurus and the great Teachers go into the inaccessible recesses of Tibet? For the very reason that they wish to escape the curious and for the reason that those who desire Truth and Cosmic Law have to make quite a pilgrimage and the curious are soon dropped out from the ranks of the sincere chelas. 

Beloved ones, I want to tell you that you were of that White Order; you are of it still! There are coming forth from your Causal Bodies those powers which you knew when you were part of that White Order on Atlantis, for your use and for the blessings of life everywhere but we cannot in any way, for any reason whatsoever allow ourselves to use those powers to draw human creation of other individuals through curiosity or for the desire of aggrandizement of the outer self. This, of course, you understand in the new White Order will never be allowed any longer - to give that God instruction which is the building of the use of the powers of precipitation and etherealization to man, woman or child until there has been removed from that lifestream those thoughts, feelings, words and actions which would possibly distress life anywhere. 

It is our desire, beloved ones, to help you; help you with all that is within the Violet Fire; all that is within our power of Invocation, to draw forth, in safety, - those powers which are a blessing to you and which will be a permanent blessing to the generations which are to succeed you, accept that now. Accept that you are a power of Light of the White Order from eons of the past and that there are none among you that have misused the powers, else you would not be here at present and with all the power and intensity of the Priest, Lord Zadkiel, I again CHARGE and CHARGE and CHARGE into your worlds all of that mighty power of illumination, all of that mighty power of transmutation, so that each and every one of you, according to your time and according to your place shall go forward and carry the Light of the World. 

The Seraphim of the Seventh Ray (Purple Ray) are magnificent Beings, tremendous in height, the Cherubim of the Seventh Ray are also magnificent Beings of Light. They are constantly in your aura, or at all, in, through and around you and in this time of world-seeming chaos. We do so appreciate your invocation for the Powers of the Violet Fire and the Powers of Peace Divine which is lasting to be established upon the Earth and to be the illumination of the outer consciousness of peoples of Earth, those peoples who will be the protection of the Seventh Root Race. 

We love our beloved Ascended Master Kuthumi and our Ascended Master Jesus in their capacity of the World Teachers. Great will be their endeavors to expand understanding hearts and minds, for when the heart and the mind are not one accomplishment is not lasting. When the intellect accepts but the heart which governs the feeling refuses to cooperate you have a very small manifestation; but when the heart and the mind; joining together in the full power of the Sacred Fire, charge your decrees into any condition that you find requires assistance you couple the mental force, and the tremendous power of the feelings of the Archangels and send that forth to give God assistance wheresoever it is required, you need do that without speaking a word, without rousing the antipathy of any human being, without in anyway causing imperfection to manifest through resistance and rebellion, two of the greatest forces that act in the outer mind of the orthodox consciousness.

Rebellion is stronger than a sheet of steel around an individual who does not desire to progress and resentment is, likewise, though not as strong, but it is an actual shell and when, audibly, you endeavor to give assistance to such individuals your own precious life energy ofttimes bounces back and you get the boomerang of the uncontrolled energy as well. So keep on, as the Great Ones do!, Our Life is precious to us; your life is precious to you and it is the greatest blessing and miracle in the world that so much has been given to so many people that so many know the names of the Elohim, the Archangels, the Archaii, the Chohans and the blessed Maha Chohan. That is a Dispensation of Light unparallel since the veil of maya fell. Beloved ones, think on it as you bless the gifts of life in you and around you; bless them and bless all imprisoned life free, That blessing does not require of any man even one gesture. If you are in the privacy of your room you can make a decree in a powerful way but you can yet walk among the sons and daughters of men crusted round with those strong shells of rebellion and resentment and never be touched by them, that I know, for I have seen and trained chelas who have done this very service.  

Let us be about our Father’s business in the Redemption of this Earth during this thirty-day period when our Retreat is open, and the more powerful radiation, as it covers the spleen of the Earth creates great chaos on the physical Island of Cuba which is just the top of one mountain of Atlantis; let us be about our Father's business in transmuting all of that rebellion and resentment around the world, all the various types of activity of hate, in milder forms, sometimes! Thus "We do and you can redeem through the powers and loves of the Sacred Fire the gifts of our Father's Kingdom and you return home into the Halls of Karma carrying sheaves filled with the power of love and light and those sheaves are the redeemed souls of men, the purified Angelic and Elemental Kingdom and the blessed and clean Earth wherein and whereby mankind in the future will enjoy life and know no impurity or imperfection of any kind. 

Let us be practical about this There is no requirement for even one person knowing of my Presence or that of Holy Amethyst to allow unhappiness or distress to abide when your heart and mind join, you make that living feeling, using our names, bringing us into your presence, and utilize those powers which are ours; those powers which we desire to give to you for your blessing and through you for the blessing and benefaction of the entire human race and all who belong in her evolution. 

Beloved ones, the Power of Concentration has been ignored by the chelas due to pressure of making changes, but I cannot concentrate too much upon this project alone. If you desire to create, to precipitate the very smallest of things you have to concentrate upon it, rhythmically, and keep silent about it, pouring through it, your love, picturizing it perfectly in your minds, breathing into it the breath of your life, until you have your manifestation. We have asked this before but there are so very many activities that sometimes we forget to concentrate upon one object that will be beneficial to man. Take something small! Tell no man, as Jesus admonished, but learn to think and feel about it, concentrate upon it when you have your manifestation, the blessing will flow forth but even then it can be etherealized if it is shown just for a sense of human power. Those are great God gifts, they are your gifts, given to you of the Father, and which belong to your Holy Christ Flame. Please use them. 

Three things are required, First, an idea, a thought picture; the feeling which is your God life; and then the rhythm, that means taking the same time, at a certain time each day over and over practicing until you can create perfection or even something that is not quite perfect but is at least something to give your feelings confidence in the power of concentration of precipitation. Once you have consciously precipitated, according to your own dear heart's picture of that which you desire of some manifestation, at that moment there grows a confidence in your heart for what you have done once then you can do better each time. At Luxor, you know, that is part of the training; the use of the powers of concentration, although they have it 'rough' because that mighty Hierarch Serapis, great as he is, destroys anything less than perfection; but under this dispensation, it is not required that your little precipitation be dashed from your hands; no, you may have it to keep and then practiced upon until you have something of a more perfect nature. 

Oh beloved ones of Light, we come always to plead with you not to give up in your love of the law and use of the Law for the blessings of this human race. Of course you have noticed the great Devas on the Mountains where you here abide. They, too, are Twin Rays - the one here (to the left of the building) the masculine, the other (to the right) the feminine. Those mighty Devas are of the Pink Ray of the beloved Third Ray and they give a tremendous radiation of Pink which is a concentrate of Divine Love. Learn to know them; learn their names, learn to speak with them in the quiet hours and you can be benefitted by this association. 

It is usually thought that the Archangels are so violent in their energies and sometimes I pray that man will know that we are not violent; no, we are gentle in the extreme. The energy which we release comes forth with power only to fill your cups with our love, not in any way to desecrate your etheric, emotional, mental or physical vehicles. The more of our energy which is charged into your blessed cups, the more you have to work with, for we are Beings of love, individualized. 

Today is a day when all of the great Ascended Hierarchs of the Retreats gather together to honor the magnificent Violet Fire of Transmutation. It an evening when all of the blessed students who cognize it, and that Violet Fire of Transmutation will circle the Earth, not only on its face surface but down inside and up above it to the ten thousand foot level. Be a part of that magnificent track of light as it flows around the Earth, during this thirty-day period to give blessing and purification to life. Now that does not mean necessarily that you have to spend hours breathing deeply; it just means that while you are thinking through this period that you concentrate upon the activity of the Violet Fire; give gratitude for it; let go of your own stresses as much as is possible and accept our blessing and our invitation to visit with us in our Retreat, carrying back that Violet Fire into your world and affairs. That is the balancing of the Sacred Fires you are the Sacred Fire, the Holy Christ Flame in your heart is the Sacred Fire, and that Sacred Fire within your heart, expanding, carries all of our Rays, all of the Archangels, the Elohim and the Chohans as well. It is our joy, it is our blessing to have you within our arms of Light, to tell you of our Eternal love; to invite you to be our guests; to remind you again to use the power of precipitation, etherealization and concentration and to remain for the most part silent about that activity until it is fully manifest in, through and around you and you are not shaken by the curious who will want the gift but not the giver. 

Beloved ones, when you draw forth energy, as Jesus himself did, and when you bring forth a manifestation of any blessing, remember there are about three and a half billion people on this Earth, a great many of them who will want that very blessing. Where will they go? To the one who has drawn it forth. Therefore maintain the power of silence, the blessing given, as we give it, keep yourselves wrapped in the invisible cloak of the silence in, through and around you, for even as before Jesus himself on Golgotha’s Hill has passed from this Earth, had his robe torn from him and he a Being of great Light, think what would be the activity in your own sweet worlds if an entire city or world knew you had the possession of the secret power of etherealization and precipitation. It would not be a happy one, I can tell you, because they would not desire you, they would desire the gift and not the giver. Remember that, beloved ones! Give the gift, as we do. We give the gift to you - it is our life, our conviction, our love of the Sacred Fire which we wield. Can you accept that gift, can you honor the Giver? Mankind must be trained to honor the Giver, wisely, makes known either his person or his presence. 

I have seen this through the ages and I know what it has done. To enter that mighty Violet Transmuting Flame, please let go every limitation, emotional, mental, etheric and Physical until it can be removed; until you leave this room completely charged and charged and charged with my love and with Holy Amethyst’s love which is enduring and with the love of the Sacred Fire some of Itself manifest at the present time in the physical appearance world, but later to be manifest in Its fullness in the world of form. 

Thank you, chelas of Light, members of the White Order come again to give the manliest expression of your God blessing to us, to mankind, and to imprisoned life everywhere. Remembering us, please, as Beings of Love, we are the Members of the Angelic Kingdom helping serving life Free. Thank you so much.