Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 33                                                                                                November 15, 1959


Beloved friends: 

Know that each country on this planet Earth has its own individual consciousness. It is an Entity with both a feeling and mental world to which every lifestream that has, ever lived within her borders has contributed. The Entity of each country is like the Spirit of the home only in a much larger capacity; it is not synonymous with the Silent Watcher of each country any more than personality is synonymous with the Christ Self or the Holy Christ Self. It is permeated with the emanation, the effluvia and the magnetism of any unascended beings who lived there and helped to create a mass thought-form according to their particular use of God-Energy. This mass thought-form influences the characteristics and the contour of the country, the coloring of the individuals and, the general tendency, of the race. 

Through this mass-entity, the Silent Watcher of the land endeavors constantly to keep a rhythmic pulsation of perfection, and to hold some semblance of the Divine Plan for that particular nation or country, even as the Holy Christ Selves of human beings try to keep the general course of personality headed always towards its individual goal into greater Light. 

The mass of the people are connected to this great thought-form and only the evolved lifestreams in any particular nation - by their constant awareness of the God within their hearts - cut themselves free from that thought-form, and, piercing its aura contact the Silent 'Watcher of the nation, and evolve according to the Divine Plan, and NOT according to the mass consciousness. 

This is why, in every nation and civilization, there are those lifestreams who while born of the same stock, rooted in the same Earth and breathing the same air, are yet separate and distinct from the entire race. My band of chelas are such striving emancipated Spirits but they are constantly in danger of being engulfed by the discordant influences of these times unless they are firmly anchored in the Heart of the Silent Watcher of the Nation. 

Make friends, dear ones, by your most valued calls and aspirations, with the Silent Watcher of your country, and that Silent Watcher will assist you without limit in helping the lifestreams draw apart from the mass-consciousness of the unreal. 

Hesitate not to invoke the Silent Watcher of your country and see what that Great Being will do in raising up for you other lifestreams, who, through momentum of service to God, are strong enough to be part of the Spiritual cable that reaches to the Heart of the Divine Blueprint of God and is not broken by the tide of human thought and feeling.

Love and Blessings,







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